Chapter: 27

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Chapter Twenty Seven 

Cheryl opens the door slowly, and doesn’t even get the chance to say hello. Sarah storms past her as if she’s invisible and heads straight for me. 

‘Come here, you lucky little b*stard!’ 

Sarah hugs me so tightly I am momentarily lifted off my feet. ‘Bloody hell Sarah!’ 
‘It’s really good to see you.’ She says sincerely, standing back. ‘I mean, alive and breathing and stuff.’ 
‘Err, thanks?’
‘You look brilliant.’ 
‘So do you--’ 

‘Err, hello?!’ Cheryl says loudly. ‘Can you see us?’ she waves sarcastically between our faces and Sarah laughs, turning to her and giving her a hug. ‘Good to see you too, Tweedy. I’m surprised you’re up to be honest, I thought I’d have to phone to get you out of bed!’ 

‘We got up at four.’ Cheryl giggles as we make our way into the front room and sit down. ‘Just stayed up talking for ages.’ 

Sarah leans forward in her seat, straight away looking serious. ‘Are you having dreams again?’ 
‘I’ve had one or two…’ Cheryl mutters. 
‘You alright?’ 
‘I’m fine, Kimba took care of us, didn’t you babe?’ 
I just shrug uncomfortably and Cheryl laughs. Sarah looks satisfied, and goes back to me. ‘So how are you?’ 
‘I’m great.’ 
‘Really? You’re fine?’ 
‘Yeah, I’m fine!’ I laugh. ‘Listen Sarah… Cheryl told me… just… I’m not too good at this but thanks for being there, you hardly know me… I really appreciate it, so… thank you.’ 
‘No worries, I’m really glad you’re alright honey.’ 

‘So what brings you here so early?’ Cheryl asks. ‘Surprised you’re not armed with bottles of wine if I’m honest!’ 
‘Cheryl, it’s first thing in the morning, she’s not that bad!’ I laugh. 
‘Thank you, Kimbers!’ Sarah pulls a face at Cheryl. ‘Anyway, I won’t be doing any drinking whatsoever for quite a while now.’ 

Sarah starts to smile, watching both me and Cheryl for a reaction. 

‘No way...’ I say, sitting up, having clicked before Cheryl. Cheryl frowns at me, then her face lights up. 
‘Oh my God. You’re not. Are you?!’ 
Sarah places a hand on her stomach and rubs gently. ‘We’re having a baby.’ Sarah says, almost glowing with the happiness radiating from her. Cheryl jumps up and actually screams. ‘Oh my GOD! come here lemme hug you!’ 

When everyone’s calmed down, Cheryl says, ‘So how far are you?’ 
‘Eleven weeks. Got the first scan at the end of next week, then two months after that, then I can find out if it’s a boy or a girl!’ 
‘Oh my God, that’s amazing! Wow! I can’t believe… I can’t imagine you with a baby!’ Cheryl laughs. ‘No offence, or anything…’ 
‘Yeah, I’m not gonna take offence to that at all!’ Sarah pouts. 
‘Will you be breastfeeding Sarah?’ I ask. 
Sarah frowns. ‘Err, yeah, of course. Why?’ 
‘I’m just worried it’s vodka that’ll come out of you instead of milk, that’s all.’ I smirk. Cheryl laughs and Sarah responds by throwing a pillow at me. 
‘Anyway ladies, what’ve you been up to in my absence, anything interesting?’ 
‘Just relaxing… didn’t wanna do anything too strenuous…’ Cheryl says. 
‘Yeah, because after lying in a hospital bed for two weeks, I really needed to slow things down.’ I say sarcastically. Sarah laughs loudly and Cheryl also throws her pillow at me. ‘Don’t be so bloody smart, you!’ 
‘Can’t help being smart.’ I laugh, throwing the cushion back. Cheryl lobs it at my head, but I catch it and throw it back. Sarah stands up and backs away. ‘Hey, come on now. There’s a pregnant lady in the house, no violence!’ 
‘Sarah it’s a pillow not a machete!’ Cheryl giggles. ‘Sit back down.’ 

Cheryl glances at me and mouths, ‘Do I tell her?’ 
I just shrug and jerk my head, but keep smiling. I’m ready if she is. 
‘D’you want a brew Sarah?’ Cheryl asks. 
‘Yeah go on then.’ 
Cheryl leaves the room, leaving Sarah and me alone. ‘You’re really alright?’ she says again. 
‘Yeah, course! I know it’s a bit hard to believe… but I’m perfect.’ 
‘Does it feel weird, like, missing two weeks of your life?’ 
‘I haven’t really thought about it… but yeah I suppose so. When I think about it I can’t believe how long it was.’ I feel my mind start to drift and mentally shake myself. ‘Anyway, congratulations! I’m really, really happy for you.’ 
‘Aah, thanks babe.’ 
‘Kim?!’ Cheryl yells from the kitchen. ‘Where did you leave me favourite mug?’ 
‘Bloody hell…’ I sigh dramatically. ‘Would you excuse me while I help this numpty?’ 
‘Yeah sure, I’ll ring Tommy and get him out of bed!’ 

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