Chapter: 55

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Chapter Fifty Five

We stayed up talking well into the night. Cheryl wasn’t best pleased that I’d decided to leave my job, but I convinced her I was doing the right thing. Falling asleep in her arms after resolving our differences felt so right; this is where I was meant to be. 

‘No matter what happens I’m not going to let anything break us up.’ She said as we drifted off. ‘You’re the one I was meant to be with, I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone.’ 
‘Me too.’ I whispered, planting a small kiss at the corner of her mouth. ‘I feel the same, babe… will you do something for me? Right now?’ 

I ran my thumb along her cheek, smiling at the tiny frown on her face. ‘Let me see that smile?’ 
Cheryl giggled softly, music to my ears. ‘Aaah…’ 
‘That’s better... I love you.’ 

Cheryl wakes me up late the next morning, simply throwing the covers off me and shouting my name. 

‘Kimberley, get up!’ 
‘What’s wrong?’ I panic at the urgency in her voice, sitting up and blinking. Cheryl just laughs. 
‘You’re so cute babe.’ She sits next to me on the bed. ‘Nothing’s wrong.’ 
‘So what’s going on?’ I groan. 
‘Look outside, come on.’ 

Cheryl drags me to the window and I look up and down. ‘What am I looking at?’ 

‘Oh, come on babe! Look! It’s such a beautiful day! And I’ve already been outside, it’s lovely and warm, it feels like Summer already!’ 
‘You’re making me look at the weather?! Cheryl one nice day doesn’t mean it’s summer.’ I sigh, still grumpy at being woken up. 

Cheryl slides her hands around my waist and kisses my neck, her warm breath heating my skin. I smile to myself. 

‘Alright missy what’re you after?’ 
‘I want to go out.’ Cheryl giggles, continuing her trail of kisses. ‘I was thinking we could have a picnic in the park, I haven’t done that in years.’ 
‘Really, are you sure?’ 
‘Aye, why not? We’re not doing anything else are we?’ 
‘No I know, I just – never mind.’ 
‘What were you gonna say?’ 
‘It’s alright, you’re right it looks like a great day, I’ll go for a shower.’ 
‘Kimba, what were you gonna say?’ 
‘Nothing, I just didn’t think you’d be up to going out… that’s all.’ 

Cheryl smiles and takes my hand. ‘I’m fine, babe. I promise.’ 
‘Okay… but if at any point you want to come home--’ 
‘Then I will tell you straight away, ok?’ 
‘Good enough for me.’ 

Cheryl lifts my hand slightly, studying the bruised knuckles. ‘Are you sure you don’t wanna get this seen to babe? It looks really sore.’ 
‘I thought you wanted a picnic in the park, not five hours waiting in A&E!’ I laugh. ‘It’s a bit tender but I’m fine, there’s no need. Shouldn’t you be making sandwiches or something?’ 

After having a shower and getting changed, I just stand in the kitchen doorway for a while, watching Cheryl pottering about and humming to herself, amazed at her mood and her attitude. I hadn’t expected her to be in such a good mood so soon after what happened.

Cheryl turns around and smiles, catching me watching her. ‘You about ready? I’ve done jam, cheese, turkey, tuna and ham sandwiches, I’ve done a salad bowl, I’ve got chocolate, crisps, juice… what’re you looking at us like that for?’ 

‘D’you think that’ll be enough food?’ 
‘Sarcasm is the lowest form of whit you know babe.’ 
‘Really? I heard it was the highest…’ 


‘I think I’m going to be sick.’ I moan. 
‘Well, you had too much ice cream.’ 
‘Well we didn’t have to buy ice cream, it’s all your fault! We had enough to feed the five thousand, but no, you see an ice cream van and that was it. I’ve never seen a grown woman act more like a five year old. You’d think we were in Disneyland or something…’ 
‘Yeah, and you still have to take us to Disneyland, you promised.’ Cheryl laughs. 
‘After that performance over an ice cream van? If you ever talk me into taking you to Disneyland I’m leaving you there.’ 
‘Awh, you wouldn’t! Do I embarrass you that much?’ Cheryl pouts. I grin at the flick of strawberry ice cream still on the corner of her mouth and lean over her, licking it off, making her squeal. 

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