Chapter: 49

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Chapter Forty Nine

I’m sat on the sofa in semi darkness, twirling my phone in my hands, waiting. 

Two weeks have passed since dashing to Bradford for my mum. As they had said then, they had brought the operation forward, and only a few days later, after returning home with Cheryl and going back to work, I ended up driving back up to be there with Adam while she was treated, to be there for her when she woke up. 

I’m now waiting for the call she promised she would give me; today she found out if this time, the treatment had been successful and she was clear. She had insisted I stay in London this time, refused point blank to let me be with her when she found out. She even gave me an earful about missing work. We were getting on much better. 

I jumped slightly as the door opened and Cheryl came in. ‘Any news?’ she whispers. 
‘Not yet.’ 
‘Want a drink?’ 
‘Yeah, if you’re making one. How was your day?’ 

Cheryl had been on a photoshoot for her album sleeve all day. 

‘Yeah, good babe. Lils is emailing us the pictures so if you want I’ll fire up the laptop later and you can see?’ 
‘Yeah that sounds great!’ 

Cheryl smiles before disappearing into the 
kitchen. I sigh to myself. I feel like my heart is twisting uncomfortably every time we have a conversation lately. 

We haven’t spoken about California since that night at the hospital. Cheryl dodges the subject every time, in denial, even though, this time next week, I’m leaving. 

I am about to follow her into the kitchen when my phone rings. My heart instantly starts beating harder and faster. 

‘Hi Mum…’ 


I think Cheryl wants to give me privacy while I’m on the phone, because she doesn’t emerge from the kitchen even after I’ve hung up, so I get up and go to her instead. 

She looks up when sees the door open, gets slowly to her feet looking expectant, nervous. 

‘Was that your mam?’ 

‘She’s all clear.’ I announce. I smile, then I burst into tears. 

Cheryl immediately runs around to me and pulls me into her arms. ‘Kimba, that’s fantastic! Hey, come on, why’re you so upset? Babe…’ 

I calm down quickly, but Cheryl still looks concerned. She follows me back into the front room, sitting beside me, placing two coffees in front of us. 
‘Can I cuddle you?’ 
Cheryl laughs, leans into me. ‘Of course babe… you gonna tell us what’s the matter now?’ 
‘…You’ll think I’m horrible.’ 
‘No I won’t.’ 
‘Yeah you will, and if you don’t you should.’ 
‘It’s just… I don’t want this to sound awful because that’s not how I mean it at all…’ 
‘Go on…’ 
‘I’m just a bit upset…’ I try to swallow past the lump in my throat. ‘I’m so happy she’s ok, I really am… I just wish… it had been this easy for my Dad. I know it’s not been easy for her… God, I don’t know how to say it!’ 

‘I understand babe.’ Cheryl says, turning herself around so she is leaning on me, looking at me from her position across my chest. 
‘I just… wish my Dad had been as easy to treat. He never heard the words all clear, he never heard any good news… I don’t feel badly towards her because she has I just… God!’

She starts playing with the ends of my hair, smiling sadly. 
‘I do understand… and I’m glad you’re calling him Dad again.’ Cheryl says. 
I just shrug, not knowing what to say to that, but Cheryl pushes me. 
‘D’you think you’re starting to forgive him, babe?’ 

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