Chapter: 36

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Chapter Thirty Six

I’m curled up on the sofa, fresh out of a long hot bubble bath with Cheryl, watching her on TV from the previous night while she’s knocking up some food in the kitchen. 

‘So we know you’ve had a phenomenal amount of support from the fans and the public in general since yesterday… what about the negative, what would you say to those who… perhaps haven’t been very nice about you?’ 
‘I haven’t done anything wrong.’ Cheryl said with a polite smile. ‘It’s not like I’ve done anything illegal, I haven’t killed anyone. All I did was fall in love.’ 
There was a huge “aaaawwwhhh!” from the audience, and Cheryl giggled. 
‘So you’re in love!’ Alan cooed. Cheryl just continued to smile. ‘Care to tell us a bit about her? Kimberley isn’t it?’ 
‘Yeah… err, I’ve learnt in the past, talking about your relationship isn’t the smartest thing to do, so let’s just say… I’m very, very happy.’ 
‘What about the suggestions that this is a publicity stunt? Because up until now… well, everybody thought you were… straight!’ Alan said with a slight cringe. 
Cheryl straightened up, looking defiant. ‘I could sit on shows like this until I’m blue in the face and say that is not the case, and some people still won’t have it. So I’ll say it once; that is not the case. It’s very real. And it could happen to anyone. I never thought it would happen to me yet here I am, and I haven’t been this happy in years.’ 
‘So is she the One?’ Alan said with a cheeky wink. 
There was a pause, during which Cheryl tried and failed to hide a huge smile. 


‘You fancy some Curry a Lá Tweedy?’ Cheryl calls cheerily as she breezes through bearing two huge steaming bowls. 
‘What? Oh, thanks, it looks lovely.’ 

Cheryl watches me with a sad expression on her face; I was rereading the letter again. 
‘I don’t think it’s gonna help, you know… reading it over and over again.’ 
‘I’m trying to understand him.’ 
‘And is it working?’ 
‘Not really.’ I sigh. I want to change the subject so I say, ‘I watched the show.’ 
‘Aah, good, what did you think?’ 
‘I think you were brilliant.’ I say sincerely. ‘So… I’m the One, am I?’ 

Cheryl goes bright red, and takes a huge mouthful of curry so she doesn’t have to answer, and her eyes immediately start watering. ‘It’s alright.’ I laugh. ‘I don’t mind you telling eight million people before you tell me.’ 

Cheryl swallows and wipes her eyes. ‘You’re too cute.’ I laugh. ‘For the record, it was a lovely thing to hear on TV. And I feel the same.’ 
‘Of course. I know the rest of my life is a mess, but you… I just can’t believe how lucky I am.’ 
We smile foolishly at each other for ages. ‘Come on, eat that before it goes cold.’ 

We eat in silence, but I can feel Cheryl watching me the whole time. ‘That was amazing.’ I tell her when I’m finished. ‘You done? I’ll go and wash up.’ 
‘No, leave that for a bit, come here to me.’ 

Cheryl snatches my plate, putting it on top of hers and pulls me onto her lap. ‘How’re you doing gorgeous?’ 
‘Pull the other one.’ Cheryl snorts. 
‘Alright, I feel like sh!t. But I’m trying to focus on tomorrow and just put everything else to one side for a bit.’ 
‘Fair enough… but you know, you don’t have to hide how you feel with me. If you wanna have a cry, or just scream, feel free.’ She snakes her arms across my waist and kisses my collarbone. 
‘I know… but I can’t carry on like that. He’s not my dad. Yeah it hurts like hell, but moping around won’t change it, and that’s why I’m going tomorrow.’ 
‘I’m really proud of you.’ Cheryl murmurs, grasping my hand. ‘You’ve come such a long way since we first met. And I’m right here for you, yeah?’ 
‘I know. Thank you.’ 

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