One night to make it right

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Giving the change to make things be back to normal. I don't think its even possible, especially in the situation I'm stuck in. Both of my parents want to know so much. And i just can't seem to spill it out to them. My dad so worried bout what happened between me and Wes. Tbh I'm glad we are done. He did nothing for me but give me unwanted excuses. How annoying can he honestly be right now. On the other hand my mom so worried bout if Chris had hit me. I can hear her voice trembling in my mind, giving my ears a weird feeling yelling out. "Robyn did he hit you". Mind as lots as the wind it goes. When will it ever just hit me harder and knock me down to see how much it kills me and my parents about Chris & Wes. That's just a different motive. "Lord please help me." She knew whatever life had for her was gonna either be worst or good. Praying to see the good days in life. The sound of the birds chirping by the window as she makes her way to the living room. "I'm almost in a better place with my life included my daughter being involved. Has put a major impact on me. So in order for me to continue being a better mother. I have to remain positive for the sake of RoRo. That's my angel. She means the world to me. I'm thankful but blessed that i was chosen to be her mommy💖." Can't change this moment at all. She was beyond hurt by all of this.  How was she gonna find a way to solve all of this. Ofc she knows that none of this will be easy to progress. But she can try for the better of it. All Robyn needs from this is one night to make it right. Just one. Then maybe she can finally get the good sleep that she has always wanted. " I should just call them one by one an see if I can set up a day to talk. Cause this really is killing me inside." Robyn dials her mom's phone number and puts the phone close to her to hear it ring. " Come on mom, please pick up please." She knew the way she acted towards her mother that day wasn't so good, but her mom kept on asking her bout Chris hitting her she had no choice but to react the way she did to her. She did so much of it out of anger. Yes Chris had put his hands on her before. Maybe even twice. Doesn't mean she was comfortable of telling her mom nor her dad what Chris had did to her. Her mother answered after the third ring and said. " Hello, Robyn." The sound of her mother's voice seem unhappy. she didn't seem to pleased to even get a call from Robyn. "Hi, mom. Um... I need to have a conversation with you sometime this week. If your not available for anything." She is hoping that her mom says yes. Knowing that her mom is still a bit upset with her. She still wants to sit down with her mom and have a talk with her. " Hmm, well last time I tried to talk to you, about Chris you went off on me." Her mom said. " Mom I know that i got highly upset but when you constantly ask me if Chris hit me. Ofc I'm gonna be pissed bout. Who do you know likes to be questioned like that? Robyn said with sincere in her voice. " No one Robyn. But I get why you were mad and I'm willing to sit down with you and have a conversation. " That's all she wanted was for her to agree to sit down with her. She didn't care for nothing else besides her daughter RoRo. " Thank you mom. That's all I wanted was to be able and talk to you bout what's been happening lately. I'm under a lot of stress and I just don't know what else to do." " What do you mean stress Robyn? What's going on." " I'll explain to you later mom,i have to go." " Robyn??" " Bye, mom. Robyn ended the call immediately after her mom said her name. She felt bad doing that but all her emotions where beginning to get to her. Robyn kept rewinding everything that had happen to her in her mind. From the day Wes and her broke up, to meeting Chris, getting pregnant, being abused by Chris, giving birth afters, Wes finding out about Royalty not being his and divorced. Just to much for her to take in at one time. Everything seem to be happening out the blue to her. And ways she couldn't even imagine. Was this a wicked sign? Was all this suppose to happen? Those where the type of questions running through Robyn's head right now. She completely was losing her mind. " Robyn, just relax. Your over thinking to much. Go and get some good sleep. That's what you need right now. Robyn told herself to get sleep as possible. Over thinking so much at one time not only puts stress on the brain, but can cause severe damages in the future. That's not something Robyn wanted to ever happen to her. She wanted the best for herself and RoRo. Walking upstairs Into her room, Robyn fell down on her bed and stared at the ceiling. She wanted to try and get some sleep tonight, but wasn't sure if she was gonna get it. As she began to slowly closed her eyes her phone ranged. " Who could this be calling me so late." Glancing over at her phone. The Id number read Chris. " What does he want?." Answering her phone she replied. " What is it Chris. She said with sleepiness in her eyes." Aye umm, can I come over?. " " Chris it is late." " I know Robyn but please. I refused going anywhere else." " Yes you can come over, I was just on way to sleep. Guess I want be now." " Sorry, if I'm the reason you can't sleep. " " No it isn't you. Just a lot of stuff going on that's all." " I understand Robyn. Been there before. Shit fuckin crazy tbh." " It sure is." " Yea, be there in a few tho." " Take your time." " I will Robyn." " Bye Chris." Before Chris could even say bye she ended the calk, laying her phone down on the small dresser beside her. Snuggling under the covers and falling asleep. She knows once Chris get here. Her sleep want last long. So until he shows up she is gonna get plenty of sleep as possible.

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