Restless Feelings//Contractions

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Got me fighting until I can't fight not no more. Got me loving like there's no tomorrow. Got me feeling left behind no nothing matters. Being dragged alone the border line cause everyone rather be your enemy than your friend. Wanting to be the target of every mad man's list of murder. Not understanding of its your turn to go or your turn to leave. Maybe I'm just feeling a bit restless. I hardly get sleep like I use to. Don't care for eating anymore which I know isn't good for me nor the baby but if people knew what I went through. They would see how much stress I'm in. They say don't surround yourself around people who will stress you out but I find that hard to believe. Even when I don't have people around me I'm still stressing over some shit in my life. Just part of Human nature. I hate feeling like I have so much on my shoulder. But I really do. Chris baby mama not liking my ass, Wes isn't the father of my baby, Chris hitting me and my mom asking me thousands of questions. That I don't feel like answer to be very honest with you. It irritates me when people do that. Acting like they own one of those talk shows where they just feel the need to ask millions of questions for no damn reason at all. Like seriously stop with all that and move on. But than again some of what they ask I be having the answers to. If it contains my personal life I'm gon say no comment. So don't be offended if you hear me say no comment. Meaning I don't want to fucking talk about. Maybe that's another feeling on me being restless. Or maybe it's just me not acting like myself. Feeling my stomach in knots again. By that I mean contractions. This time their even worst than normal. Damn I got to call Chris and tell him I think am about to have Royal, but than I remember I didn't tell Wes he wasn't the father. I can't have this baby without him knowing. This is bad so bad that the back of my back hairs are standing tall than usually. I have to call Wes as well. This is not the picture I had in mind but I got myself into this situation, now I got to figure out how to not make shit noticeable. Before its time for me to tell Wes about what happened between me and Chris. I know he isn't gonna wanna hear my side of the story but the least he can do is let me explain. I know I should have said something to him when I saw him two times that day but I just couldn't. Bit on my tongue that so hard that I nearly almost went to the bathroom on myself. Saying that to him with a straight face is not what I wanted to do. If I had of told Chris to do it they might have got into a huge fight about it. I would just sit there and watch, what the hell I look like breaking them to up from fighting each other. A damn fool. I'm not gonna do it. That's complete restless. But seriously enough talking let me call Wes and Chris so I can be at the hospital ASAP.
*Calling Chris{Phone convo}*
Me: Chris??
Chris: You ok Robyn its late.*wipes eyes*
Me: No I'm not ok Chris, my contractions are worst than usually. I believe I could be going into labor and I need you to come take me to the hospital.
Chris: Are you Fr? *says in shock* my baby's gonna be born?
Me: Yes Chris yes but can you please hurry over here and get me. I'm not trying to have this baby in my house.
Chris: I'm coming Robyn, just hold on ok. I'm coming.
Me:*holds stomach in pain* Alright Chris. I'll try to hang in here until you show up and don't be late.
Chris: I want be late Robyn *hurries up and puts on clothes and grabs car keys* I'm leaving now ma. Hang tight for me.
Me: Ok.
Chris: Ight fashow.
Me: Bye *says in pain*.
Chris:Bye Robyn.
*end of phone convo* Ok just got done calling Chris now all I got to do is call Wes and tell him about me having contractions. Since Chris is picking me up and taking me to the hospital, I figured Wes could just meet me up there so they both don't show up at the house the same time. That would have not went well at all.
*Calling Wes{Phone Convo}*
Wes: Hey baby.
Me: Hey pudding, umm I'm having bad contractions and I'm gonna need you meet me at the hospital.
Wes: Damn, are you having the baby now?
Me: Yes now that's why I'm going to the hospital ASAP. I can't have this baby at home all by myself.
Wes: No we don't want that to happened. Don't worry i will be there in a few a can't miss this moment.
Me: Ok pudding. But hurry tho.
Wes: Ok I got you.
Me: Alright bye.
Wes: Bye and I love you.
Me: Love you to pudding *says with a smile and ends the phone convo*
After the phone calls where over Chris pulled up just in time and my driveway. I could hear him running to my door so I risk no chance in letting him in. I opened my door and walked out holding my stomach while Chris picked me up and placed me in the car. He put the car and gas and immediately rush to the hospital as fast as he could. Not caring if he got a ticket for speeding, he just wanted to get me there safe and sound. We pulled up to the hospital as Chris carried me inside to get me checked in. I was placed in a room, where I will be giving birth at. I ask the doctor for epidural to stop some of the pain. And it help for the most part. I got a little sleepy and decided to get some sleep. I was no longer having contractions anymore doing the time being. Chris placed a Kiss on my temple and lay his head next my stomach on the bed. If this isn't love. Than what is. This is the future and we are living it like no tomorrow. Baby Royal is finally coming home.👶🏼💖🍼

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