Telling Royal a story

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Waking up looking behind me to see if Chris is still sleep and believe me he is completely knocked out. I slowly moved his hands and got out of the hospital bed, walking out to the balcony from my room while standing in front of the rails. Talking to my baby girl Royal💖👶🏼.
*puts hand on stomach  and tells royal a story*
Maternal love, like an orange tree, buds and blossoms and bears at once. When I finally feel your hands touching mines for the first time into the tiny little hands that you have👶🏼💖🍼 will leave nothing but a smile on my face. I can't wait to hold you tight and my arms and watch you have your first cry, your first fuss, your first smile and your first laugh. Royal you are one of the most beautiful miracles in life, one of the greatest joys I could ever ask for and one of the reasons why there is a little extra sunshine, laughter and happiness that you will bring into the world. Your Ten fingers, Ten toes. Your laughter and teardrops so small and brand new And amazingly angelic you are truly bless My one special Baby,The best of life's treasure And will grant me and Chris Many hours of great pleasure. With you baby Royal 🍼👶🏼💖
*feels Royal kicking inside of me*
I'm so happy that you hear me know your small kicks tell me otherwise. I can't wait to see you. I'm so happy to have you with me forever and always in I promise you I will give you nothing but the world if that means taking my last breath here I promise to leave you nothing but the world🌍mommy loves you baby girl. After giving my daughter the sweetest touch of words I quietly walked back to my room closing the door behind me in getting back into bed. Smiling at the full moon 🌑 outside thinking about the day I give birth seems to be the only thing stopping me from sleeping. But God knows it's been rough trying to get any sleep at all. My contractions keeps me up so I have no choice but to try to get some sleep. Before closing my eyes I looked down at my stomach and touched it once more giving my baby another sweet touch of my words.
💜*talks to my baby girl*👑
Sent straight from heaven up above Came an angel for me to love
To hold and rock and kiss good night
To wrap my arms around real tight to cuddle and nurture and watch you play
To kiss your boo-boo's all away
To keep you safe and warm and count all your toes To hold the tissue for you when you blows your little nose
To laugh at your jokes, to clap as you sings. To tell you all the joy in my life that he brings. To clean up your play dough, to pull your legos apart
To pin up your drawings and tell you it's art. To watch your first day of school on the bus all alone. To fight back the tears as I make my way back home. To applaud real loud when you in your first play. To help you with your homework at the end of his day. To adore and cherish and watch you  grow
To guide and teach you all that I know.To see you go through good times and help you through bad.To share in your happiness and cry when your sad. To hold you close and be by your side.To watch you through life as my heart fills with pride. To help you with decisions, the best that I can.
To know that someday you will become a beautiful woman. 💜👑When times seem too hard to bear and I feel like giving up I vision your beautiful face. the twinkle of your eyes and things of such The bond we created from my womb to the day you were born.
Is a mother and daughter bond that can never be torn, with the strength and guidance of God and the blessings he pours down from above. I want to be the best mom I can be to you and embrace you with all my love. You are as precious as a flower and as gorgeous as a rose. You have been specially made to the very tip of your nose. You are as sweet as honey; such an innocent young child.You are brighter than any star in the sky every time you smile
I want you to be proud of who you are and strive to be the best.Put forth efforts to achieve your goals and let God do the rest.I will always be your mother first, but I'm also your friend
You are the most precious gift, that I've ever been given. *tears up a little but cries lowly so Chris doesn't hear it* mommy loves you so much baby girl. Goodnight my little lady bug. Giving my belly one last rub before falling back into a deep sleep. I hope when I awake Chris is still here with me. I really need him to be here with me until I have our baby. I doubt if he even thinks about leaving the hospital while I'm still asleep. If he does leave it better be for a good reason and I mean a good reason only. I don't feel any contractions yet but when I do I'm wide awake. But let's just wish for better days and not worst days. Cause I'm not up for seeing Chris side again. That cold blooded Chris ain't shit to play with. Once you piss off Chris he is pissed. I'm not gonna do anything to make him made at me. As far as his other baby mamas goes I heard he beat her ass to. Which kinda makes me feel a little better but not a whole lot. Cause I'm pregnant with his hold and he beat my in the car while she on the hand had already has his child. And was still going through him hitting her. Chris needed help but I wasn't gonna tell him that. As bad as I wanted to tell him I couldn't. He would probably gave both of my eyes the black eye if I ever tell him. What he needs to do and what he doesn't need to. Even looking at him now I still consider him as my worst nightmare. Something is really brain washing him into this dangerous man. But how can a man like him be so damn sexy and has  a big long fat ass dick in his pants be so violent. Ain't gonna he did beat my kitty cat up the first night when we fucked tho. In my opinion he was the best I've ever had. Had my mind playing games with me like I felt like I was floating on clouds when he was hitting my walls. So must force so much anger and so much passion that he puts in to it. Doesn't even have me complaining. No lie I'm might sound horny asf right now cause i am but....... Chris is...... Never mind let me get some sleep and hopefully tomorrow would bring me happiness 🙏🏼👑

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