A night with Chris

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Chris is taking me out tonight, its been a minute since the last time we ever went out together. Knowing the public would do anything to kill and get any type of attention from us. I just hope this night goes well with no interruptions or drama. I'm just looking forward to a wonder amazing time with Chris. As we arrived to La Estelle Van, one of my favorite down to eat restaurants. Chris ordered a table for two for me and him and we where walked to an amazing table with candles lit at the ends of every table. Now this is what I call romantic and amazing. Wow this is beautiful, I said. It's beautiful just like you said Chris. Aww Chris stop I get that I'm beautiful but I mean look at this place it's just, amazing. I'm being fr Robyn you are. Thank you I appreciate it. It's no problem Robyn. Well shall we order us up some food I said with a smile as I looked at the menu. I've always wanted to eat light things when I'm out cause that's just what I'm use to. Every since I was younger I always got light meals to eat. Cause i didn't want to over eat myself if I did get something over that. I will like to order shrimp, a chicken salad with a glass of wine please. Robyn you sure you want that, cause that's not gonna fill you up you know. Yes this is what I want Chris I'm not really that hungry just want something, you know light to eat. That's understanding I'm just making sure it's gonna fill you up cause I don't want you to be hungry later. I want be Chris I'll be full once I finished my food promise. As our food arrived at the table I began to pray over it for God to bless it before I began to eat. I picked up a piece of shrimp and popped it in my mouth and started chewing. So Robyn why haven't I kept royalty yet. Just when I thought our night was about to be good he asks me this question. When he should know the reason why he hasn't kept her. I haven't even broke the news to Wes yet so what makes him think that he is about to keep royalty. Umm Chris you know why you haven't kept her, Wes still doesn't even know your the father and if he does know than somebody must be stalking us. Besides Wes has not kept her not one damn time so why are we even having this fuckin conversation. CAUSE MY QUESTION HASNT BEEN ANSWERED. Oml I just told you why, cause I don't want Wes to find out that way. I want him to find out from me. And for me to be the one to tell the truth about us and not letting him hear it from the media. That's beyond fake asf what you just did, not letting me see my daughter. Fake??? I'm fake hold Tf up I'm not fake you brought me here for a dinner and this is what I get. You bashing on me and calling me fake. For what all because you assuming that I'm letting Wes keep our daughter, when he hasn't seen our daughter since I have birth to her. What am i supposed to believe Robyn i dont live in your house so. I know you dont live in my house to know what goes down. But I'm telling you Chris, wes has not been around her. Hmm ok. So you dont believe me. Didnt say that. Than why tf you say hmm ok, what's that suppose mean. Just hmm ok thats it and watch your damn tone towards me. I dont have a damn tone and if i did what the fuck you gonna do about it. Fuck this shit i aint got time for it, you pay for this im out. Cool its whatever bye. Fashow. Just when i thought things were going well he hits this fake bomb on me. Like what the fuck. I've done nothing to him but be an amazing baby mama and this is what i get in return. I just dont quite understand it. I shouldnt be his target at the moment. I already got enough on my plate to handle. This is not what i need right now, but whatever. When he comes to hia fuckin senses than we can talk. Other than that i dont really give a flyinh fuck bout his ass. If he wants to be pleased he got another baby mama he can talk to. Since obviously he is all kinds of mad with me. I might never even know why he is so angry. Maybe i do know but at this point I'm in complete shock out how he acted tonight. Than on top of that he told me to pay for our dinner. Like who tf does that. He does. Its ok tho I'll pay for this wack ass dinner but he better not suspect me to pay for the next one, cause thats a hell no. I left the tip on the table and made my exist out the door. Its pretty fucked up the way things went down between me and chris tonight was highly upsetting to me. Times like this i wish i had my mom here with me to talk to. But we havent been seeinh eye to eye lately. Due to her getting on my nerves about chris hitting on me. There's a time and place for everything and that is not right now. When i feel comfortable and ok about the situation with me and chris than i will let her know. I dont need nothing else added on my plate right now. It's to much as it is and if i was to tell my mom Chris hit me in my face and stomach when i was pregnant. And then wanted me to get an abortion. She would flip tf out. Just when i think about it makes me feel so damaged inside. I never thought he would have a name that doesnt describe his personality like my worst nightmare. But when he did what he did to me. He gave himself that name. That's not a name i gave him out the blue, his actions towards me physically gave him that. And I'm letting it be known. I'm just done with it. Fuck him and Fuck Wes. I can do bad all bad myself.

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