Ending Author's Note

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I just finished my first novel.



Seriously. I love you all. Your guys's comments and votes meant everything to me, and every single one I ever got brightened my entire day. Thank you so much! I love you all!

A special thanks to two people:

MaddieTheFangirl00 : Thank you so much for voting and commenting on every single chapter of this! You totally kept me going, and you helped me make the cover for this. Thanks!

MonsterCupcake61176 : Thank you for voting and commenting on almost every chapter of this. You were also a main part of my inspiration to write, and you're one of the main reasons I actually finished this. Thank you!

(Everyone should go check out both of their books, because they're awesome and you won't be disappointed.)

And everyone else. Thank you. I love you all.

As of August 9th, 2016, my story has 4k views! Do you know how much that means to me? I know that number may not seem like much to some, but to me it's a lot. I never dreamed of having that many views! Thank you!

As of March 2019, I am almost at 8k. Unbelievable!

I have so much to say.

First of all: I'm sorry this took such a long time to write. I started this at the beginning of June 2015, and here I am, finishing it in August 2016 (and finished editing in March 2019). Ugh. It's embarrassing to say that. When I first started it, I was less serious about it and I just published when ever I wanted to. There was also a huge point in time where I didn't even touch this app, and that was September - December 2015. 10th grade hit me like a slap in the face because it was an insane level of hard. That's also why I barely published in the months of March, April, and May. I'm sorry for that.

Second of all: I'm also sorry that this is such a long book. When I first started writing, I didn't have a plan and I was making it up as I went along. Fun fact: I wrote the first 30 chapters without a plan. Then I realized that I need a plan, so I made one, and yes, I know it went long. 90 chapters is long. Very long. I'm sorry if it seemed to drag at some points.

Finally: what did you think? Please tell me what you thought of my story as a whole. Please comment! Did you like it? Did you hate it? Did you like the whole deal with the ring, and how Tris stole it from Bilbo? Did you like Newt x Hermione? What about Thomas x Katniss? Did I do a good job of writing romance between two characters that were never meant to be? Or did I just make a major fool out of myself for trying? Did you think my story was intense? Or dull? Did I do a good job sticking to the personalities of the characters? Whose POV did you like the most? Please let me know. Ramble your thoughts to me. I want to know, desperately, even if all of it is hate! I don't care!

Once again, thank you so much for reading my story. I love you all. Feel free to give me any reading suggestions. I'd love to read your story, especially since you read mine!

If you ever need anything, I'm here. My PM's are always open. Feel free to message me whenever you like.


xoxo - Naomi

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