Chapter 27 ~ Tony

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Day 1
5:30 PM

I land and open the face mask of my suit. "I think we scared everyone off."

Cap secures his shield to his back. "Yeah. Everyone went in the woods."

I nod and look around. All I see of 'the woods' are thick pine trees, which isn't a good sign. I've lived in southern California most of my life, and I have hardly seen a pine tree before. I know that they are sometimes associated with chillier weather, which is a bad sign. Like I said, I lived in California most of my life. I've never been in cold weather before.

"Jarvis, give me the weather," I tell Jarvis, with this concern of mine with the weather.

"It is 42 degrees farinehiet, sir, with a wind chill of 25 degrees. Chance of precipitation is 30%."

"Ten more degrees until freezing point," I mumble to myself. "Give me tomorrow's forecast."

"36 degrees with a wind chill of 15 degrees. Chance of precipitation 50%."

I feel my heart sink a little. Cold. But this suit gives me protection, at least. I feel bad for those suckers who have nothing but their coats.

Speaking of coats, I got a little cocky before the games, and I didn't bring my coat into the arena. I still have my jacket, but not my coat. Cap and Thor did the same. I'm regretting it now. At least we have our jackets...

"Thanks Jarvis."

"You're welcome, sir."

I walk toward Cap and Thor. "Did we kill anyone?"

"I didn't. I was busy grabbing all of that." Steve nods to the cornucopia, filled of supplies and food, which makes me happy.

"I didn't either. I was scouting out the area," Thor says. "There's a lake a little north from here. Perhaps it's a source of water."

"Excellent," I say. "I hurt a kid. I think he'll get infected or something."

I walk into the cornucopia and scan the items. Blankets, food, knives, guns, first aid kits, matches, fire wood, hand warmers and much more. We hit the jackpot. With all this supplies, I know one of us will win this.

I hear Thor come up behind me. "Cornucopia's pretty big."

"Yeah," I say.

"Let's build some kind of shelter," says Cap. "Let's pin a blanket over the opening of the cornucopia or something."

"Good idea," Thor says.

"Where are you going to find 'pins'?" I ask Cap.

"We'll find something," he says. He grabs a bin of rifles and dumps all of them out. "You should go fill this with water from the lake Thor found." He hands me the empty bin.

I take the bin and I close the mask to my suit without another word. I walk out of the cornucopia and fly up into the air. "Jarvis, where is the nearest water supply?"

"Fly five miles north, sir, and a lake will be right below you."

I do as Jarvis says. Soon enough, I'm under a lake. I plummet towards the ground and land on shore.

Well, this was easy. I remember the trainers saying that the hardest thing to do in the arena is finding water, and here I am, standing in front of a body of water.

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