Chapter 86 ~ Tris

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Day 9
4:57 PM

Another cannon goes off. I look up in the sky to see that one guy, named Thomas. He didn't seem special at all, and I barely remember him from training. But looking at him now, I notice he was a little handsome. I watch him go.

Three left now. Me, Bilbo, and Katniss.

I stumble along. I'm weak. I can't remember the last time I ate something, and last night's sleep was restless. I've just been eating snow all day. I figure if I can't find any food soon, I'll be gone.

My stomach rumbles, and my sharp, piercing headache pounds. My lungs seem tight, and my breaths seem short and rushed. Maybe it's because of my broken nose. My legs and arms feel like jelly.

Ever since last night, my mind is burned with an image of Harry. He killed Four, and I really did hate him with everything I am. But before that he was a friend. A good friend. I hated him, but it was haunting to kill him with my bare hands. He told me he didn't want to kill Four, and I actually believe him. I don't think anyone, all 18 of us, wanted to kill anyone. I know I didn't. It was just survival.

I'm dumb. I didn't take Harry's bag when I killed him. I was too buzzed up about killing Harry to even think about supplies. As soon as I laid down last night, I remembered it. I'm just dumb. I could have food now if it weren't for that.

I shake my head and continue on, hating myself a little bit. I tell myself that I'm going to try to kill Bilbo first. If I kill Bilbo, I get the ring, which I'm desperately itching to get to. Me and the ring will defeat Katniss easily. Then I win.

I stop walking and lean against a tree, out of breath and entirely weak. I should've grabbed Harry's bag and gotten food, because this is ridiculous. My energy is completely out, and I'm lightheaded and dizzy.

I suddenly notice something to my right - footprints. Leading right toward me. I feel myself freeze up. Bilbo? He could have the ring on!

No. They're my footprints.

I shake my head and kind of giggle at myself. I really need food. My mind is getting weak.

I force myself walking again. I need to find either Bilbo or Katniss very soon, or else I'll die from hunger or weakness. My stomach churns for food.

My throat tightens, and I'm suddenly thirsty. I sit down and start eating snow. Snow has been falling for the last couple hours, so there's a fresh clean coat to drink.

After I'm done I stand up, and see the footprints again. They're mine, like they were before.

I'm about to leave but then I notice. They have toes.


I audibly gasp. Why didn't I notice the toes before? The footprints I saw before weren't mine. They were Bilbo's.

I really hope this dumbness of mine is just a lack of nutrition, or just food in general.

Bilbo's following me.

That's creepy, but I feel my heart glow a little. I found him. The one who killed Peeta. The one who stole the ring from me. The one I've been looking for.

But on the other hand, I have nothing, just like I had nothing when I fought Harry. I don't have any weapons, and I don't want to kill another person with my bare hands. It was hard and it'll be even more haunting.

I realize that I've been standing there for a few minutes. Bilbo probably knows that I know it's him.

I clear my throat. "Bilbo. I know it's you."

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