Chapter 14 ~ Newt

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My alarm goes off for the fourth time this morning. I reach my hand over to the night stand and slam snooze. I hate alarms.

Then it suddenly hits me. What time is it? I set my alarm for 8:00, so we have enough time to get dressed and eat breakfast before training starts at nine. But my alarm went off four times.

I prop myself up with my elbow and look at the time. 8:45. What?! I should've woken up 45 minutes ago. People are probably already down there!

In panic, I throw the blankets off of me and get up. I quickly throw on some different clothes, black pants and a white long sleeve shirt, and dash out my room.

I assume Minho and Thomas didn't set their alarms. I barge into Minho's room, where he's snoring. "Hey, Minho, get up. We're gonna be late for training." He grunts in reply, which makes me even more panicky.

I let out an audible groan and hurry into Thomas's room. "Get the shuck up! It's late!"

"I'm up," he mumbles.

"No you aren't. Get up. Training starts at nine, and it's..." I look at his alarm clock, "...8:51!"

He shoots straight up and looks at me, his hair crazy and a wild look in his eyes. "What."

"You heard me. Get up!" I shut his door.

I speed walk down the hallway and into the kitchen. No one is at the table, but there is a full blown breakfast buffet set neatly on it. I see pancakes, bacon, waffles, eggs, and so much other stuff I've never tasted before. Who made all of this food? I feel suddenly shy. I am just suppose to sit down? Or wait to be seated? Where is Trina? Isn't she suppose to tell me what to do? I shake my head, pushing all the questions out. I'm being ridiculous. I bravely walk to the table and sit down.

I grab the plate that is sitting before me. I put two pancakes on it. I look around, trying to find the orange juice. I finally see a pitcher of juice by the waffles, except its not orange juice, like I expected. It's dark purple in color. I pick it up and smell it. It smells fruity. I honestly don't know what it is. Is it wine? Wine at breakfast? Is that a thing?

Suddenly, a lady wearing a red bodysuit and dark lipstick comes out of the kitchen, bringing more food. Is she a maid?

"Excuse me," I say, getting her attention. "What is this?" I gesture to the pitcher of the strange purple liquid.

She looks at me, her eyes sad. She slowly shakes her head, and hurries away.

"What the hell?" I mumble to myself. I guess I'll have to find out what it is myself. I pour myself a glass of the dark liquid.

I suddenly hear doors opening and instant chatter down the hall, so I know Minho and Thomas are up.

"Oh, look, there he is!" Minho says, emerging from the hallway. Despite him getting up in hurry, he doesn't look rough.

"And he got started and breakfast without us? How dare he!" Thomas jokes.

"Well if you shanks got up earlier, I would've waited for you," I reply. Minho sits by me and Thomas sits across from me.

"What time is it?" Thomas asks no one in particular.

I look at the clock on the wall. "8:53."

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