Chapter 56 ~ Katniss

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Day 5
7:56 PM

I think today was one of my best days in the arena. All day I was out, just hunting with Peeta. It was paradise. I know that's hard to believe because I'm in The Hunger Games. But I was hunting, and I was doing it with Peeta. Two of my favorite things.

Half the time we were just messing around. It was really fun. It was the first time I was truly happy ever since I entered the Capitol.

Right now we're walking back to camp. I shot a few birds, and a small deer. I made Peeta carry the deer while I carry the birds. I'm happy with the haul I made today. This will last us a long time if we save it, considering there's four of us.

Ugh. I don't want to share my food with Tony or Steve. I don't like them. I don't want to be allies with them anymore. I wish there was a way Peeta and I could breakaway from them. We can, I guess. I should propose it to Peeta. I bet he wouldn't want to, but it's worth a try.

"Peeta?" I say, struggling to carry four birds, my bow, and two sets of arrows all at the same time.

"Yeah?" he replies, looking like he's struggling to carry the deer.

"Do you think we should leave Tony and Steve?" I say, lowering my voice a little.

"What?" he replies loudly.

"Shh," I say. Tony and Steve probably aren't around, but you never know. "Do you think we should leave our allies?"

"When the time comes," he says carelessly, panting heavily.

"Well, when is that time? I don't like them," I say. "I don't want to share our food with them."

"Once a couple more people die, we'll leave them," Peeta says.

I don't say anything back. We walk in comfortable silence until we reach camp.

I really I don't want to deal with Tony and Steve and pretend I like them. This should be my sign that we need to go. We should betray them. I really want to right now. They're so useless. I feel like they're using us for food and shelter. They don't want to be our allies. They just want our stuff. I hate them.

Tony and Steve are outside of the cave, sitting on the snow and talking, just like they were last night. What a bunch of lazy asses.

I give them a bad look even though they aren't looking. I don't think they even noticed we came back. Peeta and I quickly enter the cave and set out stuff on the ground. It's so unfair that they make us teens do the heavy lifting while they just relax. They should've came out and helped us. They're both jerks.

I grab one of the water bottles they filled and take a drink of one. They should've found a way to fill more. This will last us a day at the most. There's only two water bottles, and we have four people. They're so stupid. Grown men should be smart.

I shake my head and screw back on the cap. I stand in the entrance of the cave. The sun is going down, and it's starting to get dark out. Another day in this sickening arena and I'm still not dead.

"I'm sick of this place," I say as I grab the water bottle again. Tony and Steve can probably hear me. I'm talking loud, and the cave projects sound.

"Aren't we all?" Peeta replies from behind me.

"I'd rather die than spend another day in here," I say.

As soon as I say that I notice Tony and Steve turn around and look at me. I just look back, not knowing what to do.

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