Chapter 43 ~ Katniss

194 11 8

Day 3
9:59 PM

The superheroes, Iron Man and Captain America, have arrived. They stand strong and angry. I wonder why - me, Peeta, and Gale didn't do anything to them.

Iron Man points at someone. "You." I look, and he's pointing at Bilbo.

"Me?" Bilbo asks, confused.

"Give them back," Iron Man commands.

"Give what back?" Bilbo asks, trying to act confused but I can easily tell he's lying.

"You know what you stole," Iron Man shouts. "Give them back."

"We know nothing of this manner you speak of," Thorin shouts at him. "Leave at once."

"Oh, I think you know of it pretty well," Iron Man replies.

"There they are," Captain America says, pointing to Thorin, Legolas, and Bilbo's pile of supplies. I don't see they specific thing he's pointing at, but I understand now Bilbo stole something from them, and that's why they're here.

Captain America starts to walk towards the pile when Thorin comes up and stops him by drawing his sword at him.

"Do not go near it," he says dangerously. "Leave at once."

"We're just trying to get you the easy way out," Iron Man says. "Do you want us to take the bags back and leave in peace or do you you want war?"

Thorin doesn't answer right away. Even though this isn't my fight, I silently plead for him to have the superheroes leave in peace. I don't want them involved. I look at Bilbo. He slips something on his finger and disappears. What? My mind spins. Where'd he go?

Thorin looks up at Iron Man, pure hatred and danger written on his face. "I will have war."

That's all he needs to say to let all hell break loose.

It's as if everyone moves at the same time. Captain America and Thorin immediately start fighting with each other, using all sorts of weapons. Iron Man bursts into the air and starts firing fire balls at everyone and the pile of their supplies, and soon enough all of our surroundings are on fire.

I watch the fight between Captain America and Thorin. Thorin uses his sword and daggers, and Captain America uses his fists and shield. Both of them are extremely good fighters. It's entertaining to watch; It's like watching an action movie. I can't watch them for too long, though. The main reason Peeta, Gale, and I are here is solely because of one person: Legolas. Once I get my arrows back, we can leave this mess.

I turn back to Legolas. He's watching the fight between Thorin and Captain America, just like I was. He looks clean and smoothed out, as if he hasn't been in the arena for four days. He always looks like that. I remember Effie telling me that he's not human - he's an elf. He doesn't sleep and it's impossible for him to die of old age or starvation; someone has to murder him. He's strange.

Before I can attack him with my dagger, Iron Man sets a tree on fire with one of his fireballs. With a loud 'crack', the tree falls to the ground. It nearly hits me. I back away in shock, looking at the burning tree. It's fully dark out, so the fire seems really bright.

I suddenly feel someone grab me. I gasp, but it's only Peeta. Him and Gale are standing by me, panting wildly.

"Let's leave and do this another time!" Gale yells over the sound of Iron Man's fireballs. I consider it for a very brief moment, but quickly reject it.

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