Chapter 51 ~ Thomas

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Day 5
1:34 PM

I slowly open my eyes and get blinded by bright light. I groan and turn my head, looking at the ground. I notice it's white. The side of my face gets wet. It snowed.

I slowly sit up with squinty eyes and see all of the snow on me. It's like I was dead and snowflakes just covered me. I brush them off.

After a few minutes of trying to get my eyes adjusted to the whiteness of the ground, I turn my head and look up at the sky, only to see that it's still snowing. I also notice the temperature dropped; it's freezing out. I shiver uncontrollably.

I attempt to stand but end up moaning in pain. My back is killing me and I don't know why. I've spent four other nights on the ground, but last night's sleep killed my back. My neck hurts too, and I have a headache.

I moan again and run my hands through my wet hair, my back and neck throbbing. I'm so confused and I feel funny. I'm aching and it's cold.

Minho died last night.

The sentence screams it's way through my head, making the pain worse. All of the pain. I look around, and notice he's not there, laying down like he usually is. Of course he's not. They took him away last night. He's dead. Gone.

My eyes drift and look over at Newt, and I would burst out laughing if it weren't for the pain I'm feeling. He's sleeping with Hermione; they're leaning against each other. This is hilarious. I wish I had a camera, so I could take a picture and taunt them with it forever.

My amusement almost instantly turns into anger, though. It's called 'taking watch' for a reason. He made it really clear last night that he wanted to take watch. He should've followed through.

I look around. What time is it? It doesn't look like morning. Has to be noon, at the earliest. It actually looks like afternoon. Seriously? We slept for that long? I'm embarrassed, even though we have an excuse.

I slowly stand up, a dull yet painful ache running through my body. Suddenly, I want to cry again. Today's going to be hard.

I walk over to Newt and nudge him with my foot. "Wake up," I say somewhat loudly. I never actually spoke directly to him ever since we had that fight the other night. Minho died; I was right. He should apologize to me, for some reason I feel I should apologize to him.

Newt and Hermione sit up, rubbing their eyes groggily.

"Well, looks like I'm the third wheel," I say jokingly to Hermione.

Newt gives me a really bad look, even though I wasn't talking to him. Hermione smirks and then starts to fold her blanket.

I follow her and start to fold up my blanket. "Seriously. Never thought I'd be the third wheel," I say. I like tormenting Newt.

Hermione smiles at me and continues to fold her blanket. She seems to be the only one in a halfway decent mood. Newt says nothing. He doesn't even look at me, or even Hermione. He's still frozen inside.

I put one of the backpacks on and stand up. "Why'd we sleep so late?" I complain.

"Because we went to sleep late. We have an excuse," Hermione says.

"Let's get far away from here. This spot sickens me," I say.

"Good plan," Hermione says, standing.

I nod and walk over to Newt. I don't want to continue the fight, but I can't stop myself. "What the hell, Newt." He stands, confused.

"You were suppose to be on watch," I tell him angrily.

One Lucky WinnerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora