Chapter 83 ~ Tony/Bilbo

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As you may have already expected from the title, this chapter is going to be a bit different than the others. I'm going to have half of this chapter be in Tony's POV, and the other half in Bilbo. The reason I don't just make them two separate chapters is because this book is going to have exactly 90 chapters, and I wouldn't want to make it 91 because it would bother me because it's an odd number lol I know I'm weird. So yeah. It'll switch to Bilbo's POV halfway through. Happy reading :)


Day 9
9:21 AM

*Tony's POV:*

I didn't think I would wake up this morning, but I did.

Ever since the kid, I guess his name was 'Newt', shot me that one night, I've tried to stay awake because I was afraid I wouldn't wake up. It worked, and I mostly stayed awake since then. But last night I accidentally fell asleep before the sun went down, and I woke up just now. Very surprising. And good, too. That sleep was one of my best sleeps I've had in a long time.

I lay awake and stare at the sky. It's cloudy and white, which means more snow is probably on its way. I'm fine with it. Snow is alright.

It's time to face what I've been avoiding: my legs.

I can't move them. Even the slightest movement causes the greatest amount of pain. I'm nervous to see what they'll look like. I suspect they're deeply infected. I assume they're past the healing point.

I slowly prop myself up on my elbows and look at my legs. My black pants are slick and wet looking, because of the blood that has soaked through.

I slowly pull up my right pant leg, revealing two nasty looking wounds. One where Katniss's arrow went into, and one where Newt's bullet went into. Of course, Thomas had to shoot me again, in the same spot Newt did. So overall, I have two bullets in this leg, along with a hole where a fricking arrow used to be.

The skin surrounding both wounds isn't even a skin color. It's dark purple (almost black) and red. My entire calf is purple. Both wounds are swollen and are black inside. Definitely infected.

I wince and pull down the pant leg. Then, I pull up my left pant leg, the leg that Newt shot twice. The wounds look just as bad as my right leg. Purple skin surrounding it, swollen, and black inside. I have four bullets in this leg, because Thomas also got me in the same spots Newt did, like my other leg.

I pull down my left pant leg. All four of my wounds are infected. If I ever win this Hunger Games, I think both of my legs would have to come off. I imagine my Iron Man suit without any legs. It just looks stupid. I can't have that. I guess, if I get home, I won't be Iron Man anymore. I suppose going home will be just as bad as dying, then.

I lay back down and stare back up at the sky. I think of who's left, besides me. I know Katniss and Thomas are left...and Bilbo. It seems like there's someone else. I know there's someone else. One other person I can't put a finger on.

Thomas, Katniss, and Bilbo, three of the four people who are left, are all my enemies. That's ridiculous. I lay there and wonder how I came to make so many enemies. How did I get here? Bilbo's my enemy because he stole food from us on Day 1. He stole our food because I wouldn't let him have any of it at the bloodbath. Katniss is my enemy because I decided to betray her, and she shot me with an arrow. Thomas is my enemy because he's allies with Katniss, and I killed Newt so he hates me.

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