Chapter 70 ~ Newt

244 10 24

Day 7
9:21 PM

"I'm so sorry, Newt," Hermione says, on the very edge of tears. Then she walks away, leaving me dumbfounded and speechless.

I stand there for a few moments try to take this all in, my mind spinning. Harry made her betray us? Is that what I'm understanding? She didn't want to betray us at all? That's a relief, but she still left Thomas and I hungry, and she's still the reason we have nothing right now.

My mind immediately becomes split over her. Half of me wants to forgive her and believe her, and run back to her. The other half is still furious and hurt. Even though it wasn't her intention, she still betrayed us and wrecked me.

I'm still trying to get over the fact that I actually ran into her. How does that happen? Are the gamemakers trying to shove us together on purpose? I don't really care. I secretly loved seeing her again, but now she's gone. I need to let her go now. She apologized, and that's that.

I take a deep breath, trying to let this all go. I slowly sit back down. I'm weak from being hungry. I haven't ate since yesterday. I sent Thomas off to try to find some food, and he obviously hasn't come back yet. I seem more weaker than him, and more tired. I don't know why.

I look down and see the scarf I'm wearing. Hermione's scarf. It's a knitted purple and pink scarf. I remember when she made us switch that one night. She has my hat and I have her scarf.

Oh, hell. What am I doing?

I quickly stand back up, being driven purely by my heart. "Wait, Hermione!" I shout, even though she's too far off to hear me. I grab my gun and start off the way she went.

Why am I chasing after her? Why do I want to see her again? What will I even tell her when I see her? Why the shuck am I doing this? I don't know. I'm in love and I want to see her again, even though I have no idea what I'll say or what I'll do when I get to her.

"Hermione!" I yell, even though it's risky. Anyone, including Thomas, could hear, and that would be horrible.

After frantically speed limping for a few minutes, I finally see her, a couple feet away. Her wand is pointed at me. I couldn't care less about the damn wand.

I start to say something but she cuts me off. "Stay back." The words come out of her mouth strong, yet her eyes are wet and she still looks as if she might cry.


"Stay back," she repeats, her arm steady.

"I'm not going to kill you, I promise. I just want to talk to you."

"We just talked."

"I need to tell you-"

"I don't want to talk to you, Newt. I'm done with you. Let me go."

"I need to say more, though," I ramble. What the hell am I doing? "I won't hurt you."

"How do I know you're not lying?" she asks, not lowering her wand a single bit.

"Because. I'm just not." I toss my gun in the snow, to my right. "See?"

"You still might hurt me," she says in a quiet voice. "You seemed pretty worked up back there."

"That's because I'm...I'm a bit of a mood," I say.

She blinks. "You can say that again."

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