Chapter 61 ~ Hermione

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Day 6
11:43 PM

I hope it's not almost time for the Tribute to the Dead. I wish I could stay here forever. Despite me being very cold, it's somewhat peaceful. The snow's still falling, and it's dead quiet.

I strain to keep awake as Harry's dumb little plan replays in my head. He wants us both to kill one of our allies after the Tribute to the Dead plays, and then become allies with each other. I don't want to. I love both Newt and Thomas, and killing them is something I never would've agreed to in my right mind. But, for some stupid reason, when Harry was forming this plan, I did. I didn't stand up for myself and I agreed to kill one of them. There's no going back now.

How will I even find the power to do it? Thomas and Newt were so comforting and nice when I was vulnerable and freezing after getting out of the water. Being betrayed is something that these boys don't deserve at all. They're so loyal and nice. I have no idea how the next 30 minutes is going to play out, with me trying to find the heart to kill one of them. I've been laying here with Newt for a few hours now, so the Tribute to the Dead is going to be any minute now, and I'm absolutely dreading it.

How could I do this to Newt? Flirt with him and be affectionate with him and then betray him all within a few days. It would've been hard, but I should've took Harry's advice and been rude to Thomas and Newt. I would've hated it, but it probably would've made betraying and killing one of them easier, like he said.

I wish there was a way I could tell Harry that there's no way I'm doing this. I wish we both had a phone and I could call him, or we had some kind of mental connection. I wonder what he's thinking right now. Maybe he's dead. That cannon that we heard earlier could've been him. It could've been anyone.

I pull the blanket up to my neck. I don't want to leave. I really, really don't...

Stop making yourself sad about this, something tells me. Think of the positives of leaving Thomas and Newt.

Well, first of all I'll be with Harry again. Even though I've been having fun with Thomas and Newt, I have missed him.

Secondly, I'll stop worrying that they have a betrayal plan. Who knows. They could have one right now. But I guess I'll just betray them first.

Finally, it was never going to work out with Newt. Never. I went through all the possible outcomes of us, and none of them end in a happy way. We're just not meant to be together. It's hopeless.

But I wish it wasn't hopeless. For the first time in my life, I wish I wasn't a witch. I wish I didn't go to Hogwarts. I wish I could've been sent up in 'The Box' so I could've been in The Glade with Newt. Or I wish he could've been a wizard and we could've been at Hogwarts together. Or, better yet, I wish we were normal. Not a witch, not a Glader. I wish we were both normal people in a normal High School. He could've played sports, and I could've helped him with his homework. We could've started to date Freshman year and would be still going strong Senior year. We could be the power couple of the school, and we could've went to Prom together...

My mind shuts those ridiculous thoughts off quickly. You're suppose to be thinking of the positives of leaving him, my mind scolds me. The positives of leaving him...screw what I said earlier. There aren't any.

A burst of music makes me jump a little. I look up and see it. The Tribute to the Dead. No!

I watch who died today; one person. Some guy named Thorin. I feel a tiny bit of relief that Harry wasn't amongst the dead. I do remember that Thorin got a 12, though. I wonder what could've gotten to him; maybe the mutts.

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