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*The Next Day*

Kayla's POV

I woke up to another early morning. It's okay though. I think it's worth it. I get to see my mother and spend time with her, while harnessing my Black Magic.

And can I just say, I'm getting pretty good. So far, I can change the colour of water, shapeshift, take people's memories, give people memories again and now I'm learning how to command people.

I can see why it's called Black Magic. It's very dangerous if the wrong people know how to use it.

I get up from my deep and uninterrupted sleep. I pull my sweatpants on and my baggy top. I won't be out much of today, so why bother with the effort. I put my hair up in a messy bun and was on my way.

I dived into the Ocean, hands first and swam all the way to the Black Tailed Mermaid Cave. It wasn't very far from the moon pool, as the evil Black Tailed Mermaids had to be near, to attack.

"You're late." I heard my mum scowl gently at me, as I surfaced.

"Good morning to you too." I said sarcastically.

"I hope your attitude will improve during the lesson?" She asked me, with stern eyes.

"That was good! But next time, try to be a little more subtle with your facial features. You have to make me feel intimidated to move on, while being intimidated to back out." I said, guiding my mother through the basics of parenthood.

"Okay, thanks Kayla. I don't how I would have been a good parent if you hadn't taught me. You know, you were always like that. Even when you were very young." She said with kindness in her eyes.

I smiled and she smiled back. There was a thick silence filling the cave. Before it started to get too much more awkward, I spoke.

"Okay, so are we ready?" I asked. She shook her head, as if shaking a thought out of her mind.

"Right. Yes. Let's get onto it." She said. I propped my body up, making sure to not slouch or arch my back.

"The next thing you have to do to ensure you give the right command, is you have to look at them. No distractions. Focus on them. And only them. Look at them as if you can read their minds. Which is what we're doing next, by the way-" She began. I interrupted, excitedly.

"I can already do that Mum. I taught myself how to do that earlier this year!" I said. She seemed impressed. She folded her arms, as if she wanted proof.

"Show me." She said with a small smile. I felt so proud.

I focused on her mind and scanned every thought.

"Okay, what ice cream flavour am I thinking about?" She asked me.

I focused and searched through the abundance of thoughts and notes in her mind. I finally found the one she was thinking of.

"Caramel swirl with a hint of vanilla, topped off with whipped cream and a strawberry on top." I said.

"Well done." She said, nodding her head in approval.

"Now, shall we carry on?" She asked. I nodded quickly and cleared my throat.

"Concentrate on what you want the person to do. And then think about how you want them to do it. Trust your instincts and go!" She said.

I concentrated with all my might and I focused hard. I looked at my mother as if I was trying to get her to move.

After about a minute of trying, I got it.

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