What Happened

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Kayla's POV
I suddenly woke up and looked around. I guess everything had been a dream. It felt so real though.

Now that I thought about it, I'm not actually sure that I remember much of what 'happened' last night.

I got up and got ready for school. As usual, I put my long pants and my long sleeve top. I wore my white low converses and walked to school.

I don't usually take the bus. Everybody seems to bully me or hate on me or talk behind my back. And I don't even know what I've done wrong.

So as I was walking to school, I saw Evie and Zac holding hands. It looked like they were heading to school aswell.

Being the person I am, I crossed the road and sped up, so that I didn't ruin their perfect relationship. Lives even. I felt like the outcast every single day of my life.

My thoughts were cut off by a single voice. It petrified me so much that I froze in my spot.

"Kayla!" I heard him shout. I didn't turn around. Instead I ran faster. I was never really the running type, as I was always had a really low self esteem. I tripped over and that slowed my runaway by a lot.

"Why are you running away?" He asked. I ignored him.

"Why aren't you talking to me?" He, again, asked.

"Why are you asking so many questions?" I heard someone from behind me ask. Zac.

"Because I wanted to make sure that she was OK." He said.

"Well, she's not alright, ok Erik?" Zac said before turning me into the opposite direction from Erik. We walked in silence to our class, until just before we walked in I stopped him.

"Why did you stand up for me? I was doing fine by myself." I said. Making it sound a lot harsher than I intended it to be.

"I was helping you out. No thanks necessary." He said, sarcastically.

"Thank you. But why did you want to help me out?" I asked, just as the bell rang for class.

He gave me a sad look and walked into the room. I followed after.

Like always, kids were already pulling faces and calling me names and making comments about me, nothing new. This time, the teacher totally ignored me, which wasn't like her.

"Alright, take your seats and today we will be learning about deaths around Australia." She said.

I forgot to mention that right at this very moment, I was in health class. Possibly the worst class to be in while you're going through depression.

The lesson was going abut like it normally does, until Mrs Clark, the health teacher, said

"The next cause of death we'll be looking at is Suicide. Now does anyone know anything about suicide and why people attempt it?" She said. My ears perked up and so did my eyes. It was sort of like an instinct or reflex. Zac raised his hand to answer,

"Yes Zac." Mrs Clark said.

"People attempt suicide to be happy. Sometimes it's due to the fact that they are suffering from a disease, illness or disorder and they want to run away. They're just angels that want to return home." He said. Just when he finished, another boy raised his hand.

"Yes James." Mrs Clark said.

"I think that suicide is stupid. Who would want to end their life? I mean if they did, they are super weak and probably don't deserve to live. They must be really dumb people that want attention and that is the only way to do it. That's also what I think about people that self harm." James said.

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