What Have You Done?

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Kayla's POV
The next morning, I didn't bother getting up. I can't believe that Ondina betrayed me like that. I went to sleep and didn't get up until the next morning.

~3 days later~

I feel and look even worse than I did before. I have even more cuts and bruises than before the incident with Erik.

I cover everything, including my neck, which I have now got lots and lots of thin white lines. But the weird thing is that I don't regret any of them.

Most people have a diary of their journey through life and I'm no different.

Except my story is carved into the skin on my body. and I am proud of that story. I hadn't been out in 3 days. Life is really getting me down.

Zac's POV
Kayla hasn't been seen in 3 days. I wonder if she's ok. I really am worried about her.

She's been so distant and far away for such a long time. I decided that she needed a way to start over. With everyone.

So I'm going to throw her a surprise party. I hope she actually does come. I would hate for her to be missing out on her birthday. Oh, Yea. I forgot to mention that today is Mimmi, Kayla and I's birthday. We are turning 17 and we wouldn't want to spend another birthday without each other. 

"Have you got everything set up?" Evie asked me. She was also helping with the surprise party. Only Mimmi and Kayla were unaware of what we were doing. Surprisingly, Erik and Ondina voluntarily asked to help out. I didn't say no. We need all the help we can get. 

"Yup. Now all we need is Mimmi and Kayla. The rest said that they would find a way of persuading Kayla to come and of course, Mimmi would come anyway.

~2 hours later~

The party was about to start. Everybody had hidden away and now, we were just waiting for Mimmi and Kayla to arrive. I had a really bad feeling that something was going to happen. 

"Here she comes!" Sirena yelled out to the rest of us. We all found some place to hide and we waited for the right moment to jump up and say 'Surprise!'.

"What are we doing here?" Mimmi asked Ondina, as they walked into the Cafe.

"You'll see." Ondina said as she guided her inside.

"Surprise!" Everybody yelled when we thought the time was right. 

"Happy Birthday Mimmi!" I said, hugging her.

"Happy Birthday to you too, Zac." She said. She smiled and then looked around, obviously looking for someone or something. "Where's Kayla? It's her birthday too." She said.

Now that I think about it, nobody went to go find her. Now I feel even worse. We had forgotten all about Kayla, trying to get Mimmi to the party.

'We'll go look for her." I said, as everybody hopped into the ocean. One by one we all took turns leaping from the pier.

First went Erik, Ondina, Mimmi, Sirena, Evie, and then me. I swam for about 5 minutes before I got out and dried off at a nearby beach. That's when I heard the sound of crying.

"Why am I still here? I should just die! Nobody cares about me! I mean who would? Look at me! I'm ugly! I'm fat! I'm weird! I'm stupid! I hate myself and I'm just a waste of space!" I heard someone yell. Kayla. Is that what she really thinks about herself? As fat, ugly, stupid? A waste of space?

I obviously have a lot to teach that girl. She needs to know how much she's really worth to me. To all of us.

Ok, maybe not Ondina or Erik, but the majority of us love her to pieces. I, personally, would have no idea what to do without her presence in my life. 

"Kayla?" I called. No reply.

"Kayla?!" I called a little bit louder. Then I heard that the crying had stopped and the air was now silent. I walked toward the nearby shack to see that the door was wide open.

"Hello?" I asked, letting myself into the beach shack. "Is anybody here?" I asked. Then I went into one of the rooms and I couldn't believe my eyes. Kayla was laying on the bed. The sheets all covered in blood and so were her sleeves. What has she done?! Why is she doing this to herself?! To us?! To me.

"Kayla." I whispered. My vision soon became blurry as tears filled my eyes. I can't believe that I was witnessing this.

My own sister, attempting to take her own life. I knew that she felt this way, but I guess that I never thought she would go this far. Then she woke up. She seemed as if nothing had ever harmed her. She looked terrible. As if she hasn't eaten or slept in days. I had to help her. Now.

"Zac? What are you doing here?" She asked me. I met her gaze and then I let my eyes drift to the bloody sheets and her sleeves. She seemed to have clicked. She quickly got up and tossed her bedding to one side of the room, so that I wouldn't see the blood. Too late. Then she put her arms behind her back so that I wouldn't see the sleeves. Also too late. 

"So what's the special occasion?" She asked. As if she had no idea. I felt like I had just been stabbed in the chest with a dagger. I couldn't believe she had been doing this to herself and I hadn't even noticed.

"It's our birthday today. Don't you remember your own birthday?" I asked, a little confused. I could tell she was aswell, by the look on her face.

"I try to forget. Happy Birthday." She said, with a smile. It wasn't her usual smile. Full of hope and true happiness. Now it's full of fake and pain and hidden secrets. Then I realised. This was the first time I had seen her smile in a really long time. I decided to pretend nothing just happened.

"So we're having a party at the cafe and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me." I said.

"I would love to." She said, then we headed outside towards the water. I jumped in and expected her to follow, but she never did.

"Aren't you coming in?" I asked. She shook her head 'no'.

"I'd rather walk." She said. I was a bit confused, but i shrugged it off. Then I got back out of the water and walked with her along the beach. We mainly walked in silence. Until I asked.

"What happened to you? You used to be so happy." I said.

"I'm sorry. There's been a lot going one lately." She said.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Can we go for a swim?" She asked. Now I was really confused. Just a while ago, she asked if we could walk, now she wants to swim?

Something's not right. But I jumped into the water anyway. That's when I saw it. All over her body. Oh Kayla. what have you done?


How was that? I'm not going to say much 'cos I'm so tired. So sorry if that chapter sucked. I stayed up just to finish it off for you guys.

Love you



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