Fallouts and Being Wrong

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Mimmi's POV

I felt bad for leaving Kayla. Like really bad. Nobody should have to be alone in hospital. Hopefully Hayden's been over to see her.

I grabbed my things and walked to the hospital. When I got inside a wave of cool air hit me. It was really refreshing.

I went and found her room and I reached for the knob. Inside, there was a dead silence and Kayla wasn't in her bed.


Kayla's not in her bed!

I pulled out the phone that Rita let me have and quickly dialled Zac's number. I heard the ringing before he answered.

"Hey Mimms, what's-" he started. I cut him off.

"Kayla's not in her room and all her stuff is gone!" I say with my voice full of urgency.

"I'll be right there. Don't panic. And call Ondina and Sirena, maybe they can help. I'll call Cam." He said. He seemed calm. Then again, one of us needs to be, otherwise we will start assuming the worst.

He hung up, not waiting for me to reply. I don't blame him. I call the girls and tell them exactly what happened. They are willing to help.

I pace around Kayla's room, back and forth. Thinking about everything she could've done. Everywhere she could've gone. 

I was deep in my thoughts when Ondina and Sirena run in. I Gave them both a big hug and they looked at me with their faces contorted with confusion.

"Why would she just leave like that?" Sirena asked me.

I crossed my arms over my chest and shrugged my shoulders.

"I have no idea. But we all knew that she's been very unhappy and with everything going on with our mum, everything's just tipped her off. Plus she's pregnant. That's got to mess you up." I said.

"Yea well the whole pregnant part is her own fault. I mean, she could've worn protection." Ondina added.

"No that was Erik's fault. If he didn't rape her, none of this would've happened." I say.

There was a dead silence. I looked at the expressions on Ondina and Sirena's faces. Oh no. They didn't know it was Erik.

"You're lying." Ondina said, anger filling her voice.

"Ondina," I try to sound reassuring, it fails miserably.

"No, Mimmi! I know Erik. He would do anything like that. Yes a good person. Unlike you, lying to me about something like this. I know you don't like him, but you don't have to go and try and break us up! What kind of person does that?" She yelled. She can be so naive.

"Hmmm. Let me think about that. Maybe the same kind of person that would take advantage of somebody as weak and small as Kayla?!" I yelled back.

Her eyes grew wild like fire. Her cheeks grew red with anger and her hand was clenched.

"I'm out of here. Come on Sirena." She said as she stormed off. Little did she know that Sirena didn't follow her. She quickly noticed and turned around.

"I said let's go. Now." She said with a sharp tone.

"I'm not going with you. I want to help Mimmi and Zac find Kayla." She said quietly.

Ondina walked up to her with an angry expression. Sirena simply looked at her feet, cowering.

"Who's side are you on? You're going to have to choose. Me or her." Ondina said. Sirena looked from Ondina to me. She gave a weak smile before making her decision.

She took a step closer to me and stood by my side.

"As I said, I'm going to help them find Kayla." She said confidently.

Ondina gave her a death stare and once again, stormed out of the hospital. She bumped shoulders with Zac who was on his way in with Evie and Cam. He looked behind him at the enraged Ondina and turned back to Sirena and I with a questioning look.

"What was all that about?" He asked, pointing behind him.

"Long story." I say as I give him a hug.

"Okay so where are we starting." Evie asked me. A look of hope shine in her eyes. And in that moment, I knew everything was going to be alright. We divided up a plan and got to it.

I have a good feeling about this.

Ondina's POV

I can't believe she just betrayed me like that! She's meant to be on my side! Not on Kayla's!

I got so mad that I jumped right of the pier and into the water. I swam to make to release my anger.

I arrived in the moon pool minutes later and got up on the sand. After I dried off, I paced back and forth.

Why would Mimmi lie to me about something like that? And why choose Erik? He's completely innocent!

I sit down on a nearby rock and bring my knees up to my chest. I feel a sudden wave of frustration and sadness all at once. I buried my head into my knees and cried.

After a few minutes of crying, I hear footsteps. I look up to see Erik, with his hands in his pockets in front of me. I immediately dry my tears and get up to hug him.

He seems hesitant at first but then settles with the idea. He hugs back, just not nearly as tightly. I think he was just surprised.

"Are you alright Dina?" He asked with his soft and gentle voice. I look up at him and smile.

"As long as I've got you, I'm fine." I said. He pecks the top of my head and runs my back comfortingly.

"Is there something bothering you? You seem tense." He says. Gosh, he knows me better than I thought he did.

"It's just mermaids drama. Well actually, no. It's just Kayla drama. Nothing to worry about." I say. He seems to freeze at the mention of her name.

"Are you okay?" I ask. He snaps out of his odd daze and smiles at me. I smile back and he replies.

"Yea, I'm just fine. But I actually have somewhere to be." He says slowly. That's not like him. He seems worried about something.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask, yet again.

"I just have something to take care of, and then I promise I'll be more than okay." He gives a suspicious smirk at the rock walls behind me. I shrug it off and decide to ignore it.

"Well okay. Bye." I say. I stand on my tippy toes, waiting to peck his lips, but he leaves without giving me a chance. I turn to stare at the water.

He seemed very on edge. He froze when I mentioned Kayla's name and he gave a suspicious look when he said he needed to take care of something.

I think he's planning something. Something dangerous and potentially harmful.

And in that moment, I knew. I knew that I had been wrong. He did lie to me. He did rape Kayla.

And now he's planning something bigger.

Hi!!!!! Look at that DOUBLE update! You guys are so amazing! Thank you for sticking with me. Even when I'm taking so long to update. You are all so patient! And I almost have 800 reads! Omg! Thank you everybody for your votes, comments and reads. It's so nice to chat with all of you and reAding your amazingly sweet comments absolutely makes my day. And also a massive thanks to all those who added my story to their reading lists. It honestly makes me so happy!

Toast ya later marshmallows!

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