Confessions and Suspicions

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Hayden's POV

I woke up and stretched my arms out behind my head. I sighed as I checked the time.


I need to get up. I'm going to be late for school. I stood up and took a shower. It wasn't that long. I got dressed into my black jeans, white shirt, black jacket and my white low-cut converses. I picked up my bag and run downstairs. I smelt something cooking.

"Morning bro. How'd you sleep?" My twin brother asked me.

"Eh. Not too good. Stayed up thinking. How about you?" I said.

I looked around me, while my brother was talking. I didn't pay any attention to what he was saying. All I had on my mind, was that girl. Kayla. What a gorgeous name.

And she was so beautiful. I bet she has an amazing personality. And io know I shouldn't be thinking about other girls while Stacy is my girlfriend, but she'll never find out.

Its all in my head. I mean, how could I possibly gety a girl like Kayla to feel the same way about me? My thoughts were cut off by the annoying sounds of my brother's voice.

"Hayden. Hayden. Hayden. Hayden. HAYDEN!!!" He shouted. I snapped out of my thoughts and turned to face him.

"What?" I said casually.

"What do you mean what?! You were zoning out. What were you thinking about that masde you lose your mind?!" He yelled. I thought twice and then I hesitated, but then I looked up and met his eyes.

"I was thinking about you my dear. About us. I love you to the outer edges of the earth and back. I couldn't part with you even if my life depended on it." I said in my best acting voice. That's when he started clapping and wiped a fake great from his eye.

"Sweetheart, I would never want to pasrt with you. You are my heart, my life, my soul. You are my galaxy that keeps my world together. I love you too my dearest." He said in his best acting voice.

We kept the eye contact a little longer until we just burst out with laughter. If you couldnt tell, we have speciality in drama.

"But seriously mate, what were you thinking about?" He asked. I looked at my hands, as I thought of how to describe my thoughts.

"I met a girl yesterday." I said looking up with a side smile.

"Aww my little brother is in love." He said, in a high pitched tone. As a mother would to her daughter.

"Hey! You're only 7 minutes older. That doesn't count." I said in my defence.

"You didn't deny that you were in love." He said.

" I don't know. Mate, I met her just yesterday." I said.

"So what's this girl called?" He asked me.

"Kayla." Just saying her name made me blush. I felt my heart flutter and tingle and twitch. It was a somewhat nice feeling.

"You're going red!!!" He shouted for the whole world to hear. I just looked at my fingers that were now interlocked with one another.

"She goes to our school." I said to him. I knew he would get excited.

"Ooooh I can't wait to meet her." He said.

I finished my breakfast in a hurry and brushed my teeth. My brother and I walked to school while making conversation. When the question that I had been avoiding popped up.

"So what are you going to do about Stacy?" My brother asked. We stepped into the school yard where I knew Stacy would be, so k said really obviously.

"I'm thinking about killing her and getting rid of the evidence." I made sure that she was close by. Because Stacy is one of those girls that are really clingy to their boyfriends. Me.

"I hope that was a joke." She replied, just as I suspected she would. See, that's the problem with out relationship. We know each other so well, that we'e become predictable to onre another.

"It so totally was baby." As much as I didn't want to say that. I had to. Stacy still had to believe I love her. She lewaned in to kiss me and I kissed back, opening my eyes only slightly to take a glance at my brother. He had a frown on and shook his head.

"Catch you later, bro." He said. In pulled away from my girlfriend as I bro hugged my brother.

"Bye Josh!" Stacy called after him. I waved him off, when I saw her face. Kayla.

She was wearing a black sweatshirt, with black high waisted jeans, black high top converses and a black beanie and scarf. Its like 40 degrees here. Why would she be wearing a- no. NO!

She can't be like that!! Maybe she's not, maybe I'm just over thinking again. Maybe she's just cold.

Kayla's POV

Once again, I'm wearing clothes that cover every inch of my body. I walked around the school, in search of Mimmi or Zac. But no luck so far. That's when I bumped into a blonde boy.

"Oh my gosh I'm really sorry! Cam?" I asked.

"I have to go." He said as he tried walking off. I held onto his wrist as I tried to keep ahold of him.

"Do you know where Zac is?" I asked.

By the time I had finished my question, he had left. And I was, again, all by myself in a crowd of people.

I looked around me, to see if I could spot a familiar face. That's when I started to get dizzy. I felt blackness take over me. Someone ran through the crowd towards me. But the weight of the world was too heavy on just my two shoulders.

"Kayla! Kayla!" I heard someone yell. By now, I had fallen to the ground and everything I did hurt. Then the world went black.

Hey!!! I'm really sorry for the slightly shorter chapter. I'm really tired, but I promised I would write you guys 3 chapters!!
Goodnight, good morning, good afternoon, good evening. Whatever time of the day it is for you, I hope its good.


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