Final Chapter

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Hai guys. I wish to inform you that this is the last chapter in Angel in Darkness and Light. Thank you for reading!!! I hope you enjoyed this story, as much as I enjoyed writing it. Check out my other stories of you haven't already! Byee!

Lilac had been healed and her energy had returned after a few days. Keyni always followed her around like a lost puppy. Though she didn't mind much. He felt a bit guilty for not realizing sooner. Rose and Vin often took long walks around the palace together, talking about anything and everything. On one of these long walks into the garden, Vin had proposed, and to his excitement, Rose had said Yes. They began planning for their wedding. Eyli had been planning to propose to Pearl. He just needed to man himself up and find the courage. Dawn and Paul spent every second together, often putting their hands over their chest, knowing the others heartbeat was there. May waited patiently for Drew to propose, waiting for his ego to fall. Ash got over his dense-ness and had proposed Misty, who after being extremely shocked, said yes. Gary and Leaf lived comfortablely traveling and training pokemon. Often visiting the palace, Arceus, Dawn and Paul. Arceus remained in the palace, occasionally training the Warriors who still trained everyday with Dawn and now Paul.

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