I'm A What??

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Dawns POV
I woke up and my head was killing me. I was laying on a bed surrounded by a blue dust like barrier. I immediately freaked out. Where am I?? It thought. I saw a guy in the corner watching me carefully. He had black hair. He had a sword and a bow. It really looked like Jake. "Jake?" I asked sitting up. He nodded and walked over. Another man walked in the room. "Ah I see she is awake." He said. I looked around. "Do not be frightened."The man said." My name is Arceus."He said and my eyes widened. "But your the-the God of everything." I said surprised. He nodded. "Yes but in a legend there is an Angel who will save us all. That angel is you." He said. I looked at him confused. He showed me a portal which showed the legend and how it came to be. "What is this dust for?" I asked. "We wanted to wait until you wake up to remove it. It will unlock everything." He said. "But it will be very painful." He warned. I nodded. "I will see you in a couple hours so you can think." He said and walked out. I looked at Jake. "Your names not really Jake is it?" I asked. He sadly shook his head no. "It's Keyni. I am one of the Warriors." He said.

2 hours later.
Dawns POV still
Keyni spent the last 2 hours telling me all about my Destiny and what I must do. Arceus walked back in and looked at me. "Are you ready Angel?" He asked. I nodded my head. He removed the dust and a sharp pain hit my head and back. I screamed in pain. It was unbearable. I was surrounded by a blue light.

2 hours later
Keynis/Jakes POV
The transfer took 2 hours! Poor Dawn. I felt bad but it needed to happen. She is the Angel of Darkness and Light. Of Hell and Heaven. She controlled the balance. The light finally faded and Dawn was put back on the bed. She woke up a minute later.

Dawns POV
I woke and my back felt heavy. But it was like a comfortable weight. Like it was weird but It was kinda like a natural feeling. My clothes had changed I now wore a different dress. It was dark blue. (A/N The dress above^^^. Do you guys like it? I saw it on Pintrest, I'm a pintrest freak lol. Anyways I think Its like the perfect dress for her as an Angel.) I tried to stand but fell. Keyni went to help me up but Arceus stopped him.

Keyni/Jakes POV
Arceus looked at me. "She needs to get used to the wings. She needs to learn to balance on her own." He said. Dawn sat there looking around. "I see colors and the life in everyone." She said looking at me. A feather brushed her foot. She jumped at this. Then settled back down. She tried standing up and stumbled a bit but finally got it. Arceus walked over to her and she held onto his arm. "Spread your wings." He said and she looked confused. Automatically they spread out and she looked at them with excitement. The were huge! Probably the biggest pair of wings I'd ever seen. They were black and dark blue. Her hair had black streaks in her long blue hair. Arceus nodded. "Perfect now walk to Keyni." He said letting go of Dawns arm. She walked over to me. "Perfect." Arceus said. "Wanna meet the Warriors?" I asked grinning. She nodded and we walked down to the Warrior Lounge.

Dawns POV
We walked into the Warrior lounge and noticed they're were 5 other warriors. 3 girls and 2 boys. 1 girl had long purple hair in a ponytail she was on the couch reading. Another girl had pink hair in a ponytail and she was watching tv the last girl had beach blonde hair in a ponytail as well and she was watching tv too. 1 boy had black hair and the other had brown hair. They were playing a game of Air hockey. Keyni cleared his throat. The girl with purple hair jumped up and hugged him. "Keyni! Your back!" She said. He pulled her off after hugging back and smiled. "Guys this is the Angel." He said pointing to me. The boys stopped playing and looked at me and the girls jumped up and surrounded me. "Give her some space." Keyni said laughing. "This is is Lilac." He said gesturing to the purple haired girl. She bowed. The others came over and bowed. "Ohh n-n-no you don't have to bow!" I said quickly shaking my hands in front of me. "This is Rose." The girl with pink hair curtsied. "And this is Pearl." The beach blonde girl curtsied as well. "Then we have Eyli." The guy with black hair bowed and kissed my hand. "And last we have Vin."He said and the guy with brown hair bowed and kissed my hand. I took a step back." My names Dawn." I said shyly.

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