Paul Inherits II Deal With The Devil

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3rd person POV
The wind whipped around. Dawns body started to glow blue and slowly rised in the air. Paul watched as he was surrounded in a blue circle with the hidden language markings. He looked in the air at her. Lights burst out blinding everyone. They sheilded their eyes. The guardians knew what was happening but nothing they could do would stop it. When the lights died down Dawns body fell and Paul raced and caught her. Pulling her head on his lap he stroked a piece of hair out of her face and behind her ear. Lilac stood up and looked at Keyni then walked over to Paul. "I know a way you could bring her back." She said and Arceus appeared. "No it's too dangerous it could kill him!" He said quickly. "Lilac he's right." Rose said. Paul looked up at them. "Tell me now." He demanded. "Lilac no." Keyni said and he tried to run forward. She quickly set up a barrier around Paul, Dawn and Herself. "Don't come near." She said in a deathly tone. She cane back to herself again and shook her head softly. "If there's a chance then give it. Please. I can't do it alone." She begged and Rose and Pearl stepped forward. She took the barrier down and they held hands. Keyni, Vin and Eyli walked over rand completed the circle. Their eyes turned white and they spoke in the hidden language of their people. " Set circuli . Pone quoque eam tenentur . Set recepto robore . Set nunc it!" They yelled and a multi color circle formed around Paul and Dawn. "You have to say these words Paul. It'll split your soul in half and combine with hers what's left of hers at least. And she'll be alive hopefully. But you two need each other to survive. I'll explain the rest after but say these word. It'll automatically come out as the language. Split thy soul! Become one as life! Love undone become one." She said and he nodded and stood up. " Split anima tua! Erimusque unus ut vita! Amant omittere fit unum!" He shouted and purple and blue ran down. The circle broke and they went flying and fell. Paul landed right beside Dawn. The Guardians woke up and looked at them. "Did It work?" Rose asked softly. "It didn't work." Lilac said crying. Blue streaks started to appear in Paul's hair and purple in Dawns. When it was finished Paul woke up and looked at Dawn. Her eyes, blue and now hints of purple, flashed open and she coughed. "Dawn?" She said nothing but her body started spasing. She began to cough up blood. "Her heart rate is falling! Her body is dying!" Rose yelled. Her hands glowed and she ran to Dawn. She slammed her hands onto Dawns chest. "You can't die on me. On us." Rose yelled while repeatedly slamming her hands on Dawn, trying to revive her. Dawns body arched up. "You can't die!!!" She yelled tears running her face and Dawns body stopped moving. Rose broke out crying. "You. You. You can't.." She said to herself. Vin picked her up by the waist from behind. She screamed as he tried to get her away from the body. "No! I have to save her!!! She can't!" Rose screamed, struggling against Vin. "I have to. I. I-I-I failed." She whispered crying as he walked away with her. Paul slammed his fists down on the ground. Purple surrounded everything. A purple circle surrounded him and Dawn. Blue fire surrounding them. "You can't die on me now. I just got you back. Everything I never got to tell you, I will when you wake up. That's a promise." Paul said slowly standing up. The flames grew higher. Split anima tua! Erimusque unus ut vita! Amant omittere fit unum! " He shouted once again. Only this time... Dawns eyes flashed open again. They held their breath hoping she would take one. Dawns eyes widened and she took a deep gasping breath and started coughing. Paul fell to the ground and held her tightly. "Are you Okay?" He frantically and she shook her head yes. "Thank Arceus." He muttered. Lilac used the last of her power to teleport us all back. Arriving back at the palace, Lilac passed out and Keyni caught her just in time. "Take her to the infirmary. I'll be there in a minute." Rose said and Keyni nodded, then carried Lilac to the infirmary.

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