Paul.. Inherits?

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Dawns POV
"That all you got?!" I shouted at the man as he fired a shot as me which I easily dodged. He held up his hands smirking. I turned around saw my friends being pushed to the ground. Paul was held to the ground. I turned around the man was infront of me and a sharp pain went through me. How'd he get my dagger??? I looked down as a he took a step back. And I was bleeding badly. I pulled the dagger out slowly and clutched my stomach. I took a wobbly step forward and stabbed his arm he fell.

Paul's POV
"No!!" I shouted as I saw her look down and then stab him. He didn't die not yet. I struggled against my captor and punched him in the face. I ran to Dawn and caught her just as she was falling. I threw my Pokeballs in the air. "Guys help us out here!" I said quickly and the nodded and ran off to help though Weavile and Torterra stayed behind to protect me and Dawn. I put her head on my lap and moved her hair out of her face. I looked over at him and he tried to stand again. Dawns eyes flew open and she jumped up. We grabbed the dagger together and I held her as she started to pass out. We stabbed him as he tripped. He fell and never came back up. He was dead. Dawn fell again. "Dawn! Dawn!" I started to yell.

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