New Kid

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Next day
Jakes POV

I walked to the room where my boss would give me the information. "Your name will be Jake. 17 and a trainer. She's a coordinator but maybe you find out information from 4 of her friends. They're trainers. This is all the Intel we could pick up. Once you're accepted as a friend into the group, find out as much about her and her life as you can. See if she's developing the powers or wings yet. Or experiencing things. " My boss said." Yes. " I replied and I was teleported a block away from the school. My outfit had changed and I wore a black t-shirt showing off my six pack and jeans. I walked to the school and seen Dawn walk up to her friends and start talking but some were arguing with and the others were doing other things. For example a guy was trying to flirt with a brunette but she was ignoring him and reading. A red head was yelling at a guy with black hair. And a guy with green hair and a girl with brown hair were arguing. A guy with purple hair was just ignoring them all but secretly looking at Dawn from time to time. I smirked this could be interesting. But when the time is right she'll have to leave. She glared at them and walked away glancing behind her every now and then. I walked to the office and got my schedule. I turned around and saw Dawn she was walking down the hallway. I made sure to run into her to meet her. "Oh! I am so sorry Miss!" I said helping her up. She looked up at me smiled. Wow she's beautiful.. She really is fit to be an angel. I thought staring at her. I helped her pick her books up. "Oh thank you and sorry." She said. I waved my hands. "Oh no! It's my fault I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention and was looking at my new schedule and I bumped into you." I said apologizing. "Oh it's okay. How about I show you around?" She offered. I smiled. "That'd be nice. My names Jake." I said sticking out my hand. "My names Dawn." She replied shaking my hand. She took my schedule and looked at it. "Ooh you have homeroom, science, music, math, literature, pe and lunch with me." She said. The bell rang and the office lady came out quickly. "Oh I'm sorry I forgot to show you your locker." She said. "Oh I can show him. I have the next few classes with him. It'd be no big deal." Dawn said offering. The lady smiled. "Thank you. Here you go." She said handing Dawn a paper with the locker number and combo on it. "Oh and here. Take this. So you don't get in trouble." She said handing Dawn an excused note. The lady ran back into her locker and Dawn looked at me. "You ready?" She asked and I nodded.

Mistys POV
"Ash! No It doesn't work like that! "I said arguing with Ash." Why not?!" He said arguing back. I facepalmed. "I give up." I said groaning. Dawn walked into class with a kinda cute guy. She handed the teacher a note and he nodded. She sat down next to me. I looked over at Paul who looked mad for a minute but it quickly disappeared. I looked at May confused. She shrugged her shoulders and put her hands in the air along with it. "I don't know." She whispered. "Class we have a new student. Jake Andertè. Would you say something about you? " Mr. Russell said. Jake waved and looked at Dawn. "Sup. I'm Jake. Trainer. 17. I love swimming, track, soccer and music." He said. Hmmm he's cute but not as cute as someone.... I thought then snapped myself out of those thoughts. Stop it Misty! I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts. "Well Mr. Andertè you can sit down by Dawn." He said pointing to Dawn who was writing stuff down in her notebook. I leaned over and seen she was writing down song lyrics for the song Angel with a Shotgun. Whew. Paul likes her and she still likes him. Everything's normal!...... I hope.

Dawns POV
Jakes nice.. But not You know who... Paul will never like me.. Why would he? No one does.. No one could... I thought to myself. The bell rang signalling lunch. I walked out and found Jake at his locker waiting for me. "Come on cafeterias this way." I said walking towards it, not stopping. I saw the others at our normal circular table and walked over. I jerked my head to the right and saw nothing again. I swear! Somethings following me!! I shook my head and sat down. Jake came over and sat down beside me.

Jakes POV
Hmm Dawn is starting to feel them around her. That's a good sign. Which means (A. It's confirmed. (B. She close to unlocking her total power. I thought. "I never got your names." I said to the girls and the boys rolled their eyes and Paul glared at me. The brunette spoke up. "I'm May. The red head who's likely to kill you or hit you with a mallet is Misty. And the Book worm over there who's always ignoring Gary is Leaf." The girl, May, said. "And you guys?" I asked the grasshead. "Drew." The grasshead, Drew, said. "Ash!" The black haired guy, Ash, said. "Gary and that's Paul." The brunette said and pointed at the purple haired guy, Paul. "I'm Jake." I said casually. They all nodded. We all ate and talked and laughed.

~At the end of school.~
Dawns POV
I walked home and put on the TV. Within an hour I fell asleep.

In Dawns Dream.
*running through a forest. * I wore a black and blue gown that reached the floor and it had a slit from the knee down and my hair was down. The scary but cool part is. I had huge black and blue wings. They had bits of red in them. A man showed up and bowed to me. Dawn my queen. The Angel of Darkness and Light. Is here.

End of dream.
I woke up and panted. What was that? It was like a future. I'm going crazy! I thought. I need to go for a walk. I thought and got up and went outside closing the door behind me.

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