Falling Back

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Lilacs POV
I went into the throne room and seen Rose, Pearl, Vin, And the others crowded around Arceus. I walked over and seen they were watching a portal. In it was Dawn and Paul. They were sparring. More like she was teaching him. She looked so happy.

Dawns POV
I was teaching Paul. Jumping up I kicked a sword to him. He caught it. I smiled. "Good." I said and put away my weapons. "Where you going?" He asked catching up to me as I walked out and into the long hallway.

Paul's POV
We walked into a huge Garden. Dawn grabbed a apple and tossed it to me. I caught it with ease then took a bite of it. She jumped into a tree and hung upside down eating an apple and stating at me. Her wings were comfortably spread out. I laughed and sat down under the tree.

Keynis POV
I watched them talk and laugh. It made my chest ache. But I knew this made her truly happy. Paul made her truly happy. I turned away from the screen and walked out of the room.

Pearls POV
I watched Keyni walk out and I seen the look of hurt and sadness on his face. I looked at Lilac and she had the same look. Sighing I walked over to her and hugged her. "I'm sorry." I said sadly. I felt a tear on my shoulder and pulled back looking at her. "Come on. Let's go play some air hockey." I said and she nodded. We walked to the Warriors lounge.

Paul's POV
We were hanging out still at the tree. We weren't talking but the silence was comforting. I'm falling for her again. I thought. I knew I was. I never forgot about her. I couldn't. I wouldn't. I loved her... I still do. Her hair is a bit longer. And even more blue. The wings didn't make her look weird in fact they made her look more majestic. She really is an angel. I thought. She swung off the tree and sat down beside me. The sun was starting to set. She wrapped her arm around mine and put her head on my shoulder. I put my head on hers and watched the sunset.

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