Plans For Dawn

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The next day.
Pearls POV

I called everyone to the Warrior lounge except Dawn. She was training. Courtesy of Arceus. He showed up and sat down. "Alright Mates what are we here for." Vin asked in a bad Australian accent. We all laughed at this. "Okay, Okay back on topic." Lilac said. We nodded and everyone looked at me. I sighed and started. "Somethings wrong with Dawn. But we know what. Right?" I asked the others making sure they knew. They nodded and I continued. "She misses her friends badly. There was one guy in particular she misses." And Keyni nodded sadly. I noticed this. "I wish I could help." I said sadly. Arceus nodded. "But she is the Angel." He said and we nodded sadly. "I'll figure out something." Arceus said and walked away. The others did too. I walked up too Keyni. "I saw that." I said crossing my arms across my chest. "Saw what?" He asked and walked out. Poor guy.......

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