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Several days later, Friday
Dawns POV

I pulled up to the school and got out. Something didn't feel right.. Oh well. I walked over to the others. I kinda just sat there with my eyes close listening to their arguments. Suddenly I see colors and my back starts to hurt really bad. I open my eyes and then close them when the pain starts to get worse. My head started to hurt.

Jakes POV
I watched Dawn fall to the ground with marks on her back I knew what was happening. I could feel the powers starting to unlock. I helped her up and whispered an healing enchantment used by my people. This would help her remain stable until the boss decided it was time for her to come to my world. The bell ran and I kept whispering the words until it made the powers stable. We walked into homeroom and Dawn was fine and back to normal. May and Drew were talking, Paul was glaring at me. I knew he had feelings for Dawn but chose not to admit them or acknowledge them.

Dawn's POV
~Last class~
I felt the headaches all day but not as severe as they were this morning. Jake said something but I couldn't tell what it was. It was weird. The bell rang signalling school had ended. I walked out and put my books in my locker. Grabbing my jacket I started to walk home but felt watched again. I made it to my house but my back burned again. I fumbled with they key, my hands shaking. Finally unlocking the door I walked in and closed it behind me. I tried walking to the bathroom for some pain reliever but fell in the living room. My back and head started hurts more. It felt horrible. My back felt as if it was on fire and splitting.

Jakes POV
My boss had given me a special power. I could sense Dawns pain levels and when her powers are unlocking. I felt her scream inside her head and I ran straight to her house. I went behind her house and teleported inside. I seen Dawn inside in a great deal of pain. Oh no. This is bad. She's stronger than we thought. Meaning she unlocking and transforming faster than we thought. She has one week of school left. Then she can get her traveling card and boarding pass and her license and Pokeballs. I had to use the enchantment again. But it would cause her pain everytime she started to unlock or transform. But I have to.
Saying the enchantment over and over again Dawn passed out and I lifted her up onto the couch and sighed. This is going to be a rough week. I thought.

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