Chapter 1

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Looking out the bedroom window of my two-story detached house, the world continues to go by with everyone living their lives. The trees slowly moving from side to side, indicating that the wind was steadily picking up at the first signs of the British winter time. 

School children wrapped up in winter coats, scarfs, hats and gloves as they walk to school with one of their parents holding tightly to their hand. Their parents pretty much dressed the same; long winter coats buttoned all the way up, scarves tied neatly around their necks and boots making steady work of the frosted ground. 

Cars slowly reverse out of almost every driveway in the street, telling me that it was time for all the adults to go to work. Time for my husband of two years to go to work too. 

Sighing, I pull myself away from the window and walk towards the large built-in wardrobe at the opposite side of the room. I grip the brass handles with both hands and pull the doors open to reveal the vast array of neatly hung and folded clothes. 

To the left, my husbands fresh dry-cleaned suits, perfectly ironed shirts and polished shoes stand out from his casual clothes. His jeans neatly folded on the shelves and t-shirts organised by colour then by length. His collection of white trainers brightening up his whole collection of shoes. 

Then there was my side on the right. My my clothes sorted by type, colour then by length. My accessories and shoes were also sorted and neatly placed within the wardrobe. None of which was my idea - all my husbands doing. 

I pull a thick knitted white jumper from its hanger and pull it on over my white vest top, feeling automatically warmer when it rests against my skin. I straighten it out so it sits over the top of my skinny black jeans and once happy with its position, I close the wardrobe doors back over. 

Leaning my left hand firmly against the black wooden wardrobe door, I stare at my platinum engagement ring and matching wedding band. During both of those days, I was the happiest I had ever been. The way Daniel proposed to me was like from a movie and our wedding day was celebrated in front of everyone we loved and cared deeply for. But that happiness didn't last. 

Daniel wasn't faithful to me and hadn't been for some time. He hid it well but was starting to slack in the 'hiding' department. He'd come home at the early hours in the morning when he told me he was away to a meeting. He'd call me by a different name when he woke up in the morning. Flowers that were delivered to the house, I was allergic to and he knew that. 

When I found out, I packed my bags and started to leave. I got to as far as the end of the garden path before he talked me out of leaving him. Said he would change and every time I gave in, I honestly believed him. He had me fooled so many times! 

Every time he cheated and I found out, I would pack my things and leave but he always talked me out of it before I got a chance to get to my car. I never got a chance to get to the driveway before he was in front of me, begging for another chance. I'd be standing with tears running down my face and because I wasn't strong enough to say 'no', I let him get his way. 

Sighing, I move away from the wardrobe and walk out of the bedroom to go down to the kitchen for breakfast.

The kitchen was brightly lit with the soft winter sunlight streaming through the lightly condensation covered windows. The light bouncing off of the white cupboards and counters made the kitchen look bigger than it actually was. The black marble flooring was cold on my bare feet, making me wish I was wearing either socks or slippers to accommodate the coldness. 

Checking how much water was in the kettle, I turn it on and take a cup out of the overhead cupboard. 

"Sarah," a low masculine voice said from behind me. 

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