The Girl Who Lived...Through Draco Malfoy - Chapter 8

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I read the letter, my heart sinking in my chest.


I’m so sorry but your father and I won’t be able to have you come home this winter vacation. Something’s come up and we have to leave for Grandma’s, but don’t worry it’s nothing serious. Know that we love you and we’ll see you soon.

                                                          Mom and Dad

I sighed and pulled on my shoes and coat. I walked out to the lake, sitting by the water and watching as students walked by. The clouds were dark and the wind blew a cold chill down my spine. It was only a few days before vacation and I would be alone at school. It started sprinkling, signaling it was time to go in.

I said goodbye to my friends then headed to the library. If I was going to be trapped at school, I was at least going to try to get some studying in. I grabbed The Wizard’s Book of Potions and sat at an empty desk. The library was completely empty except for me and the school ghosts that floated in and out as they pleased. I opened the book and began reading. I got about a page in before I was bored. There was no way I could sit there and study the entire time.

“Need help?” I looked up, the butterflies in my stomach going insane.

“I think I can handle it, thanks.” God, why was I being mean?

“Really? Cause I’ve seen your grades in Potions.” He sat down next to me, pulling the book so we could both read it. “Now, let’s start reading.” I did as he said, the words floating through my mind, but not really sinking in.

“You’re stuck here for winter, too?” I asked after minutes of silence.

“Yes.” He said simply. I kept reading, the silence growing between us.

“Yeah, this isn’t working.” I sighed.

“Maybe a more practical application would be better.” He stood up, closing the book. “Meet me in the Astronomy tower tomorrow at 5.” With that he left. 

I made my way up the stairs to the Astronomy Tower, my potions book under my arm.

“You need to stop fooling around Draco. You know He won’t be happy and you know what happens when He gets angry.” I paused just outside the door, listening to the conversation happening inside. There was more mumbling then footsteps coming towards the door. I panicked and wedged myself behind a statue as someone exited the room and hurried down the stairs. I only caught a glimpse of a black cloak sweeping down the stairs.

I made my way into the classroom, Draco standing at the front, his eyes meeting mine. I stood in the doorway, not exactly sure what to say.

“What chapter were we on?” he asked, picking up his potions book. I walked over to him cautiously.

“Five I think.” I replied, sitting at an empty desk and opening my book. He sat down next to me, but I couldn’t help but feel tension hanging in the air the entire time we sat in the classroom.

I stayed to myself the following week, not sure what to think about Draco’s meeting in the Astronomy tower. There were only two weeks left before everyone came back and I wouldn’t have to feel so alone.

I wandered through the castle, the rain outside made everything seem dark and cold.

“Where are you going?” I stopped, my heart jumping at the sudden intrusion.

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