Chapter15: Here come's trouble

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              I remember that day as if it was yesterday, a wet, rainy Thursday. I remember because it was on that day that we had a social worker coming over because she heard Angie was having the baby and she needed to see if I was happy with it or something like that. Angie was really stressed out as Johnny was no where to be found and she had dark thoughts. He was wilder that usual lately but we had no idea at that time he would pull off something like that!

I was sitting there with Angie staring at the clock. Then suddenly the door bell rang, "She's here, act normal." she added. There was no way that I could act normal around her.......ever. That mean old bitch had one intention and one intention only putting boys like me in foster homes, where everyone hadpermanent smiles on their face and the foster mother bakes pies and puts them out on window sills. But for me it was too unreal, I'm not used to a happy-go-lucky family with loving parents, siblings who do fun stuff together, and family dog. No..... that's not my fairytale, the sort of fairytale I would have would have a sad beginning and a sad end with no unicorns or rainbows but instead guns and cops chasing people down.

            I soon opened the door and there she was the old grumpy hag dresses in grey with a face like awrinkly dog and glasses that reflected the light. She was dressed very formally and always looked around as if she was at the dump. Now my house might not have been a castle with servants and maids but I mean it wasn't a dump, Angie cared for the place like no one could do better. "Hello there....Jake." she forgot my name but that didn't stop her at all. "Oh Hi Mrs.Shits" I looked at her putting on a fake smile. "Its Smits and I think you know that." She was begging to get irritated by me which made me ever so happy. Angie walked up to greet her, she looked at her from head to toes as if she was one of those bitches  from our school that always judge people by their looks. "Your getting bigger arn't you." she said with a mid-warm voice. I felt as if I just read her mind, its as if she just cried look at that whore 

"Enough of this crap can we just get on so you can get out of my house as soon as possible please!" Angie snapped she really didn't want to deal with her while she had no idea what her wreckersboyfriends Johnny might be up to. "Fine." Her face looked annoyed and she had her nose above us looking down as if she was some sort of Highness we learn about in History. She begging to look around noting everything with each step, at least she stopped herself from  making comments and being nosy. After a quick inspection of the house she sat us down and started her little questionnaire "So Jake are the relations between you and your sister?" she asked measuring Angie with her eyes. "Good as always m'am." I answered sharply. " are you reacting to the new situation?" one more question and I was going to punch her in the face. "I'm very happy and exited" I said quickly. She noted something in her stupid little notebook. "OK..and how is it between you and.....Johnny was it?" she asked uncertain. "I mean hes here one minute and disappears the next but its fine we don't have any conflicts." I added quickly before she would get the wrong idea.

             After an hour of inspection and her silly little questions she shut her notebook "Right, I'll be back probably after the baby arrives, its not bad but its not great." She told us,she disappeared faster than she came and I was relieved yet still worried. I looked at the clock nervously it was 6pm, Angie was cleaning up the dishes in the kitchen, suddenly the phone rang, Angie quickly ran to the phone "HELLO?!" she nearly shouted into the phone. "Johnny!" she cried. I watched her face as she listened to him, her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. She slammed the phone and looked at me "Jake me have to go Johnny was arrested we need to help him" she said quickly and we rushed out the door.


First part of last chapter! Its nearly over now, so what do you think I should write now comment below and VOTE love you guys !xxxx

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