Chapter 32

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At some point of the night we ended up back at the hill. Me and Zoe sat next to each other, we didn't know where Calum and Chloe were. Which was sorta good because it would mean me and Zoe were alone. But me and Zoe were almost always alone together, and it really didn't matter if we were alone or not we wouldn't be doing anything anyway.

"I don't like how we are growing up too fast" Zoe stared at the moon, that rested directly above the houses that rested on the hills.

"Neither do I" I chuckled, "remember that time you almost got ISS for hugging what was his name again? Jason? Mark?" I laughed recalling the memory of us in 6th grade.

"Mason, it was stupid though, I mean come on it was his birthday and he always gave me answers to the math homework" She smiled.

"How about in 9th grade, when you had that huge crush on Rebecca and it turned out" she paused, "she wasn't so straight after all"

"I didn't know! She was really pretty though damn" I defended myself.

"You know I could've had a chance with her" She smirked, playfully elbowing me. I laughed, shaking my head.

"Remember when we went to the roller skating rink, and Chloe fell which caused Calum to fall and-" She tried talking inbetween laughter, I knew what she was talking about. The fact I could remember it clearly, and it replied over and over in my head made me laugh along with her. Her laughter grew louder and harder and I couldn't help but continue laughing.

"Calm down Zoe" The way she was laughing way too hard about it made it even funnier. She held her stomach as she continued laughing hysterically. Once she calmed we continued to recall the funniest memories we possibly could.

She clicked on her phone,"we should go its late"

She began to get up, but before she could start to walk away I grabbed her arm pulling her back towards me, or the ground, I wasn't quite sure which one I was going for. She stumbled back and fell on top of home, to where her back was on my chest. Her head rested on my shoulder, she looked up at me. Her eyes were so dull, yet so full of life. They suited her. They were beautiful , just like her. My arms absentmindedly wrapped around her waist. We laid like that for a while, before she made an effort to get up. She grabbed my hand to help me up. She pulled her hair back into a pony-tail. We carefully walked down the hill without saying a word to each other.

The drive home was also quiet. There was only music to fill in the empty silence. Once we arrived Zoë looked sleepy. Her eyes drowsy and she kept yawning. We didn't say bye, because we both new we'd end up talking to each other until we fell asleep.


I stepped into the warm shower I had prepared myself. As I closed my eyes and let the water run down my body, I thought of every possible thing that occurred today. Every conversation, every movement, every joke. I wanted to try and remember everything. It was really late, and my parents weren't home. I knew Ashton would be wanting to talk, but I didn't have enough energy to sit by that window. By the time I got out of the shower it was 12:45, I quickly changed and brushed my hair before pulling it up into a ponytail.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand. I scrolled down my contacts, finding Ashton's name. My room door was opened, the hallway was pitch black, I attempted to fix my eyes back onto the phone screen but I couldn't. I just stared at the darkness expecting for something to happen. I was still scared as fuck, but ever since that ouijia board day, nothing strange had occurred. I was thankful of it though.

To Ashton:

Come over..

I placed my phone down beside me before turning on the tv. I couldnt find anything good so I sticked to watching Zoey 101. As I got comfortable in bed my phone vibrated. I slid my finger across the screen to read the text message.

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