Chapter 32: A Hope From Girl Bodyguard

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Chapter 32: A Hope From Girl Bodyguard

I was scrubbing, scrubbing the clean towel over the windows trying to clean everything that I had done last night. Cleaning was my worst point, and also my worst nightmare. But Harris ended up forcing me to clean up my own mess, which was vomit that spread all over his house. But not to worry, I begged him to help me.

After sobbing about the memories of my mother, I felt different now. It was like I haven’t released the sorrow of my mother’s death before. And that was the first time. But not wanting to picture those images again. I shook my head, and continued to scrub.

I smiled, and lifted my head up, “Is this good yet?” I glanced over to Harris, who was mopping the floors.

He glanced at me and narrowed his eyes. “No.” He pointed, “You missed a spot there.”

I looked back at the windows, “Where?”

He continued pointing, “There, a little more to your right.”

I looked up again, seeing nothing but clean windows, “Where? I can’t see it.”

“It’s right there.” He pointed, “It’s right next to you.”

I stood up and looked at the windows again. And after a while of staring, I glanced back at Harris, “Where?”

He was standing there with the mop in this hand, laughing.

I crossed my arms, “So you were playing around with me...” I stared at him.

He smiled again, “Sometimes, you seem too innocent for a bodyguard, Taylor.”

I noticed he wasn’t calling me Rosanna anymore. I smiled, That’s good. And then remembering what he just said, I glared at him, “Oh, really?” I continued, “You want me to try something ‘bodyguard’ on you?”

He laughed, “Why not?”

I grinned, “Okay then.” I placed the towel back into the bucket, “Just stand where you are.” I walked closer to him, cracking my knuckles to warm up. “I’ll be gentle on you too.”

Harris laughed again, “Oh really?” He raised his eyebrow.

But when I took another step, I heard my phone rang.

I paused.

I searched for my pockets finding where I left that phone. And then I found it.

I flicked the screen on, and saw fifty-six messages from Dean. I pressed on the screen and ignored them. Answering the phone, I held it to my ear. “Hello?”

“Sis!” Rosabel said, “Where are you?”

I glanced over to Harris, “At my hotel.”

Rosabel sighed, “You have to come quick to the hospital now!”

I looked confused, focusing my eyes away from Harris, “Why?”

“Because Dean’s in the hospital.”

My eye widened, “What?” My head went spinning, “How come? What happened?”

“Just come now.” She said, and ended the call.

I glanced up at Harris, “Can you take me somewhere?”


I entered to the hospital and glanced around as Harris followed me behind. Searching, I wondered and hurried my feet to the receptionist. But as I did, I saw Rosabel standing there close to the table.

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