Chapter 28: Junior Teddy!

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Chapter 28: Junior Teddy!

My eyes opened as I heard my door bell rang. I sat up and yawned. Picking my feet up, I dragged myself to the front door and opened it. Standing there was a delivery boy with a red hat and he was smiling at me.

“Morning Miss,” he smiled. “Here’s your delivery.”

I took hold of the pink box with a big pink bow on top of it.

“Could you sign this please?” he said.

I reached out and signed his papers. “Thank you and have a nice day,” the delivery boy said and went.

My eyes widened as I was looking at the huge pink box; about the size of a suit case. I yawned again looking down at my pyjamas. I scratched my head and closed the door behind me. Walking into the living room, I sat down and placed the box on the coffee table and stared at it. “What is this?” I said.

With my sleepy eyes and closed head, I was thinking to make myself something to drink, to wake me up, until I heard a ring in the box.

I paused for a few moments, still hearing a soft ringing in the box. I raised an eyebrow wondering what the ring could be. Is it a bomb? I wondered.

Standing there, I stared at the box again. This could be dangerous. I quickly picked up the box ran into the bedroom, looking for all those tools to defuse a bomb. The ringing stopped and I paused as I glanced back at the box. My eyes then widened when I saw a small tag attached to the pink bow, From: Junior.

I flipped the tag over and saw the words, To: Rosy. I sighed, So it’s not a bomb. I stared at the box and ran my finger along the edges of the lid. Sitting there thinking, I decided to open it.

I undid the ribbon, as it fluttered down along my bed, and I opened the lid. Inside the pink box, was a small concise phone. I picked it up and studied it. It was light and was very thin. Smiling, I touched the screen of the phone and it blinked on. I saw a missed call on the screen. Curious, I tapped on the missed call, and saw Dean’s name. I sighed and rolled my eyes, “He already added his number in.”

I placed the phone aside, and glanced down in the box again. Lying there was a folded royal blue dress and some shoes. I took the shoes out and stared at it. “High heels, again?” I asked myself. Almost throwing them away, because I hated them so much, I put them aside and glimpsed at the blue dress.

I held it up in the sun, seeing it glimmering for some reason, as I sighed with relief. At least, it’s not one of those formal dresses. The dress was pretty much a normal one; the ones that people just where to go outside. Though, when I looked at it carefully, it seemed expensive. I shook my head, I’m totally not going to wear this.

Suddenly I heard the phone rang again. I glanced down at the screen as saw the word Dean. I tapped the screen again, and answered, “Hello?”

“Rosy!” I heard Dean’s voice, “Did you receive my gift?”

“No.” I said.

I heard his voice raised, “What? I told that delivery boy to give you at exactly 10:00 am.”

I laughed at him, “You idiot!” I replied, “If I haven’t received it, how can I answer you calls?”

I heard a paused and then he laughed, “Oh yeah... You’re right! Anyways, do you like it?”

“The phone is okay.” I stopped, “But the dress and shoes are not! And what’s with the pink box and pink bow?”

Dean chuckled, “I knew you’ll say something about the pinkness.” He laughed, “I just want you to wear them for our date!”

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