Chapter 7: You Know Me and I Know You

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Chapter 7: You Know Me and I Know You

The sun rose behind the shadows of the tall trees and mountains. Felling fresh air in my hair, I opened my eyes and yawned feeling an ache right in the back of my neck. I glanced down and saw a jacket covering me. I turned to my left and saw him sleeping. I smiled; He seemed so much like a little boy when he sleeps.

I lifted the jacket and covered it over him, “Thank you.” I said.

I began to open door and step out of the car. Seeing that I was still wearing the dress from last night, I sighed. What a night that was. I couldn’t believe that I was crying in front of him, I glanced back inside the car. Well, hopefully he doesn’t remember it.

Taking another step over the stones, my heels were wobbly and when I took another step my ankle sprain and I fell down. “Great! My ankle is twisted.”

I lowered my eyes, pressing down on the sprain. I surely twisted well too. I tried to stand up, but there was just too much pressure going on around my ankle, I couldn’t stand up by myself. And just when I sighed, I heard the door shut.

I turned around and saw Dean running over to me. “Morning!” He said, “Are you okay?”

“No.” My eyes widened, “Aren’t you suppose to be asleep?”

He smiled, “I woke up before you did, and I laid still.” He chuckled to himself.

I lowered my eyes, I guess he’s smarter than he looks. I sighed, “Could you help me up?” I pleaded, “My ankle is twisted thanks to the shoes you bought for me.”I pointed at the high heels.

He grinned, “Nope.” He smiled again, “I won’t help you, until you promise me something.”

“You want vengeance on me?” I rolled my eyes, “What is it?”

He smiled, showing his thinking eyes, “I want you to kiss me.” He said happily, tapping his finger on his cheek, “Especially, when you’re still wearing this dress.” He glanced down at me.

I shook my head, “No.” I disagreed, “I won’t do it.”

“Why don’t?” He looked at me curiously.

“Because I don’t kiss the person I’m maintaining.” I paused, “I’m your bodyguard.”

He lowered himself down, “Fine.” He said quietly, “I’ll help you up.” He held my hand and pulled me up as leaned over him. Gosh, I feel like a girly girl who always need a guy’s help like this. I hate it.

“Thank you.” I said to him, trying to control myself back on my feet.

He stared into my eyes and smiled, leaning over to my side, “If I can’t get a kiss from you.” He smiled, “I’ll kiss you instead.” He placed his lips over my cheeks and kissed me. My eyes widened and I pushed him out the moment I realised what he was doing.

He smiled again, “I got a kiss from you!” He called out, dancing happily.

“What?” I yelled at him, “You did not!”

“Yes, I did!” He said happily, “Well, I kissed you. But that’s still good.”

“What’s gotten into you?”

He turned back and smiled, “Nothing much.” He grinned at me with that innocent smile.

“Now, you come back here or else!” I called out, “I’ll–”

He smiled at me, “You can’t do anything to me!”

I hate it when I cry. They always do this to me; tease me when they know I can be a normal girl, by crying. When, my ankle gets better I’m so going to kill him.

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