Twenty Three

17 1 0

Adam's POV

" What are you doing here?" I ask.

It's Scott. The person I give drugs to. I'm a drug dealer. And nobody knows. Not even Orion.

" I need my stuff man." Scott says.

" I'm giving up the game man." I say.

" How do you just quit?!" Scott yells.

" Quiet down please." I say.

" No. I got you Adam." Scott says.

" What do you mean you got me?" I ask.

" I'm going to hit you where it hurts. And when you least expect it." Scott says.

He then walks off. I walk back into the house and everyone is looking at me.

" Who was at the door?" Orion asks suspiciously.

" Just some Mormon." I say.

" Why did you push him like that?" Talia laughs.

Reagan starts laughing too.

" Who pushes Mormons?" Reagan laughs.

Talia laughs harder.

" I needed that laugh. Thanks Adam." Reagan laughs.

Someone knocks on the door and I'm paranoid it's Scott again so I rush to the door. I open it and it's Zander, Reagan's co-worker. He has a cute little bag.

" Hi." Zander smiles.

" Hi. Gifts go right here." Talia says.

Zander smiles and puts the gift down. He sits on the couch. Someone else knocks on the door and it's Carter's mom.

" Hi." I smile.

" Hi." She smiles.

She gives me a hug. She walks over to Reagan and rubs her belly and smiles before hugging her.

" You are so pretty." She says.

" Thank you." Reagan smiles.

Someone knocks on the door and it's my mom and Talia's mom.

" Hey sweetie." They both say to me.

" Hi Moms." I say.

They run over to Talia and Reagan. Someone knocks on the door. It's Gary and his wife. They set their gifts down.

Reagan's POV

Everyone's pretty much here. I wonder what's up with Adam. He's been so fidgety since that Mormon has been at the door. I laugh at the thought of the Mormon being pushed.

" You guys Adam pushed a Mormon today." I laugh.

Talia and Carter bust out into laughter while Adam's mom looks mad.

" Of course it was an accident." I say.

The parents relax. My dad, Kendall and her family arrive together and join the circle of talking. The doorbell rings again and Adam answers it.

" Oh hey Tess." Adam smiles.

He just casually hugs her.

" Hey Adam. Long time no see." Tess says.

Tess, Faith and Evan walk in. The Founders are in my living room!!! They're actually in my living room. Standing. Breathing.

" Orion!" Tess smiles.

" Hey Tess." Orion smiles.

He just gets up and hugs her. He does a secret handshake with Evan. Evan smiles. Actually smiles. In my living room. I could scream.

" No pictures." Faith says.

Everyone awes. They place this huge box on the gift table.

" I told you I'd come." Tess says to me.

" Me?" I ask pointing at myself.

Tess just laughs. She gives me a hug and I hug back and try not to scream. She then gives Talia a hug.

" Thanks for getting in contact with me." Tess says.

" You're welcome." Talia smiles.

They sit down and engage in conversation with everyone.

" I'm going to faint." I whisper to Talia.

" Don't. Your face is beat and that's some expensive makeup." Talia says.

" You're right. Just play it cool." I chuckle.

" Oh Lord." Talia says.

I walk over and sit next to Orion.

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