Chap (17)

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 We drove straight through the hedges trail, heading for a random location, it was really dark now. I strapped my fingers around Patricia's front seat, "So, Pat... Where are we going?" even though it was dark I could see the light of her smile, "I dunno! Some where fun anyways, where we can make fun." She winked at Ian and Xavier. I shook my head, "I am not having... Look, I think we drove far enough what do you think, Ian?" he said nothing and then the car slowed down, "Exactly!" I smirked at Patricia.

 "I didn't pull over for your pleasure I'm afraid, Jas... The fuels out!" we all grew silent and Terry got out of the car with frustration and worry, "Ya know what, Ian? This is bullshit!" Ian got out of the car aswell, "Oh what now, Terry? Was it my fault the cars fuel ran down so quick?" Terry lead his finger up to his temple, "Well, er, I dunno... Yeah?! You own it, you fuel it!"

 "Do you know how much fuel costs to get it properly loaded?" Ian loudened. Patricia stayed in the car biting her nails, her regular habit of fright. I squeezed my hand to Xavier, "What are we going to do?" I asked him. He shook his head. I lined my hand down the door and pushed it open, "Guys if we calm down and call somebody we'll be alright." I suggested, Terry and Ian looked at me, "You got a phone?" 

 I shook my head. Terry sighed, "Well, neither do we Jas!" I looked around the empty road of the countryside. Xavier joined us, "How are we going to get back now?" I shrugged, "Walking I guess-"

 "What? No! I am not leaving my car!" Ian insisted with a stomp. "Great!" Terry shouted. "Terry calm down! Your making it worse for everyone with your shouting We'll just have to stay the night in the car, it's the only way if Ian's being stubborn." I hissed. "There is no way I am staying out here after watching that film!" Xavier insisted to me, getting in the car.

 "You shouldn't have anyways." I crouched down into the car and slammed the door. "So... Stuck in the middle of no where, er?" I said to Patricia. "Yeah! Stuck in the middle of no where is right, Jasmine!" she shouted. "Calm down, Pat. I know your upset... Just stay calm." she ignored me and continued to rip her nails of with her bare teeth. "You and your boyfriend who dresses up!" she muttered.

 "Jas, I think somethings coming." Xavier shook my shoulder lightly to point out the window. A little blue light was in the distance of the trees fading and returning, getting bigger each time."Crap!" I pushed down Patrcia's side of the door, "Don't you dare try and get out!" I hissed in her ear. She looked back sharply, "Why?" I didn't reply as I pushed Xavier out of the car door, we were greeted by Terry and Ian's arguement, "And now where are ye off to? We're trapped out here and your planning to have quickies in the- What the hell is that?!" Terry pointed to the light. "Erm, that's what were going to find out! Stay here and help Patricia to calm down," Xavier insisted.

 "It could be help!" Ian pointed out to Terry as they scrambled in the car next to Patrcia. I turned to Xavier, "I doubht it." 

 "Isn't this the location of the being that killed our families?" A voice emerged after we got closer. Xavier led a finger to his lips to signal to not make a sound. "I say so, where is she? And X937R?" That was followed by a sudden silence, "Ha, to think X937R used to treat the captain as his own blood and then he turned around and shot him unbelievable." Xavier looked in disgust at me.

 "Look! Over there, it's some sort of machine." The aliens ran past us heading straight toward the car. Patrcia got out, "Jasmine! Where the hell did you think you were goin-" One alien pulled out his gun and shot Patrica straight through the head, a round hole replaced some skin and brain, she fell down to her knees as her fragile body was sank beneath one aliens foot. 

 "Patricia!" Ian cried out angling around Terry, who was also shocked, and fell to the ground beside Patricia. "Patricia? Who is this Patricia?" one alien grabbed Ian by the collar and heist him up, "Are you to say she wasn't the one named Jasmine?" the alien kicked him back to the ground. "Theres no Jasmine or X973R here! This device is a fraud! Back into the ship!"

 The aliens retreaded back into the ship, leaving Ian to mourn and for us to duck down low. As soon as the ship had gone I ran out of the bush and by Patricia's side. "Oh God, Patricia!" I sobbed. 

 "What did they want from you!?" Ian cried out, screaming at me. Like I was the murderer.

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