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Four hit singles.

International, worldwide fame.

One new album.

One world tour.

New label, new management. Screaming fans everywhere. Unbelievable support from everyone. Louis and Harry were yet to come out, but Jade had a feeling that, with all the support she and Perrie had received, they'd do it soon as well, especially since their hiatus was over. Little Mix became a household name.

It was the last date of their tour - the O2. Jade scrambled around, trying to squeeze into her catsuit. Frowning, she realised that she'd put on more weight. The girl tried to reach behind her and grab hold of the zipper, but somehow she just couldn't reach the damned thing. She huffed and tried again, but this time her hand met another pair that felt cool against her sweaty back.

"Don't stress out, it's just tight," Perrie breathed in her ear. The blonde's fingers fumbled with the zipper for a moment before pulling it up. "You okay?"

Jade nodded and grabbed a water bottle from the counter, pressing it against her forehead. "It's just hot in here."

"Okay," Perrie breathed out. Suddenly it seemed like she was the one that was nervous.

Jade put her hand on her girlfriend's arm. "Hey. What's wrong?"

Perrie bit down on her lip. "Nothing." She smiled tightly at Jade. "Just....just nervous."

"You've never been nervous before," Jade countered.

"Now, that's a lie," Perrie giggled and leaned down to brush her lips against Jade's. "We'll all have a blast."

Jade smiled and brought Perrie's mouth down to hers again. No matter what they did or went through, the spark seemed to always be there. She ran her fingers through Perrie's ponytail. "Stop putting your hair up."

"Why?" Perrie muttered against Jade's parted lips.

"You're gonna have a hairline like Harry Styles if you keep doing that," Jade grinned and pulled down the hair band. Blonde waves spilled past Perrie's shoulders. "See, this is better."

"A'ight. Whatever you say." Perrie grinned and ruffled Jade's hair. "I love you."

"Love you too," Jade smiled back. Her eyes were sparkling, cheeks flushed, mouth wide in a huge grin. She looked so healthy and full of life, Perrie's chest hurt - she was just so happy.

The blonde quickly separated herself from Jade and tried on a grin. "I gotta go do some stuff. I'll....I'll see you before the show, yeah?"

"What stuff?" Jade couldn't help but be curious. "I'll come with."

"No...no! It's just - um, makeup! Yeah, I'll have to touch up on my mascara! Seriously, it'll be boring." Perrie wrung her hands, her blue eyes darting from side to side.

"No, I like watching Adam work his miracles, it'll be more fun with me there anyways."

"What are you hiding from me?" Jade scrutinised Perrie's face carefully, going from the little imperfection on Perrie's lip to the stray curl hanging over the blonde's forehead. She reached up and brushed it away. "Is something wrong?" She asked for the second time that night. "Did I do-"

"No, it's not you," Perrie said quickly, reassuring. "Honestly. It's just nerves, babe. Trust me." She swallowed and pressed another quick kiss to Jade's mouth. "Look, it's just something I gotta get done tonight. Just- give me my space, okay? Just tonight."

"Okay," Jade said sadly, not understanding what she'd done wrong. But Perrie was 23 already and she could do what she wanted. "Alright, then." She turned around, took her water bottle and started walking away. Maybe she'd accidentally liked one of Jed's instagram posts or maybe she'd drunk-texted Niall again but ugh, Perrie wouldn't be that petty. Jade just didn't have any idea of what was going on.

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