part 12 - nightmares

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Thank you guys for 2K reads! Means a lot to me <3 

A few cups of hot milk had made both of the girls drowsy. They were both sprawled on the spacious couch, resembling how they once were a few years ago as both of them watched Aladdin, one of Jade's favorite films. Perrie had an arm thrown across Jade's torso as she leant her head on Jade's bony shoulder, both girls bathed in the dim light of a lamp.

Jade was dozing off. Her head nodded a few times, and Perrie found it adorable that Jade kept jerking awake every time her head dropped slightly. Her long lashes fluttered against her cheek every time she tried to keep her eyes open. Perrie found herself gazing at her bandmate with a wide smile on her face. Sleepily, Jade turned around to look at Perrie through heavily lidded eyes. "What are you looking at Pez."

"You're sleepy, aren't you?"

Jade tried to deny it, but she couldn't help but let a yawn escape her lips. Perrie flicked off the television and pulled back to gaze at Jade some more. Somehow, the blonde found the sight of sleepy Jade soothing and cute. "You wanna go inside my bedroom or you wanna stay here?"

"Here," Jade yawned again and rubbed at her eyes. She could barely keep her eyelids open.

Perrie pulled the brunette towards her so that Jade could rest comfortably against her abdomen. "Goodnight," the blonde murmured while pressing a kiss to the corner of Jade's mouth lightly, the drowsiness clouding her thoughts.

Jade, who was mostly asleep, didn't even notice as Perrie flicked off the light.


Jade is on a stage. The X-factor stage, to be exact. The familiar lights beam down at her, the familiar murmurs of the audience rise around the stage, and she reaches for one of her bandmates' hands before she realises that she is the only one on the massive stage. Is this a mistake? What's happening?

"Tonight, we will announce the winner of X-Factor's Jade Amelia Thirlwall. And here's Little Mix."

Jade whips around to find Jesy, Leigh and Perrie looking out at the crowd. They are hand in hand. United. Everyone cheers for them. Not for Jade.

What's going on, Jade wants to say. I belong to Little Mix! But she can't say anything. It's like something is hinging her jaws together so that she is unable to speak as the crowd roars Little Mix's name. She stumbles forward and calls out the only name that comes into her mind.

"Perrie!" Unexpectedly, Jade's heart fills with pain as Perrie smiles at her politely. A polite smile, but a smile that the blonde would offer to a stranger.

"The winner of X-Factor 2011 is....."

Jade squints out into the crowd, and instead of finding friendly faces, all she sees are smirks and expressions of disgust. Her heart tightens and her hands become sweaty. Her knees become weak.

"Little Mix!"

As Perrie and Jesy and Leigh-Anne scream and wrap their arms around each other and Tulisa, Jade can only stare at them while Gary pats her back. His breath is cold against the back of her neck. "You're a disappointment."

Jade sucks in a breath and closes her eyes as Perrie, Leigh and Jesy come over to her. She forces out a congratulations and turns to run off the stage, running right into a taller male with perfectly styled hair and slight stubble growing on his face. Zain Javadd "Zayn" Malik.

She watches as Perrie throws her arms around him and presses her lips to his, right in front of everyone. They break apart, and Zayn turns around to grin at Jade wolfishly. The crowd's roar grows louder. Zayn's smile elongates into a wide grin that covers half his face. And everything turns into a shade of gray until the whole image falls apart in front of her eyes.

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