part 39 - stricken

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guys check out lunadelluna's story, it's awesome! :)) 

read the a/n at the bottom plssss :) 


"If you don't fucking wake up this instant I'm going to fucking kill you," threatens Jade as she leans on the door, but a smile is on her lips at the sight of Perrie slumped facedown on her bed, her bum stuck up in the air and her cheek smushed right in the soft cotton of her pillow.

Jade's in her swearing phase. Which means that she has to add the word "fuck" in every single sentence, because she thinks it's fucking incredible how you can fucking add the fucking word 'fuck' any-fucking-where in any fucking sentence and have it still make a lot of fucking sense.

"Stop swearing at me." Perrie drawls out, but she gives Jade the finger.

Jade laughs. "That does it." She leaps on top of Perrie's bed and starts tickling the blonde mercilessly. "Fucking get out of bed, let's go, let's go!"

"Get your bloody hands off me," Perrie giggles and pushes Jade's hands away. But, Jade climbs on top of Perrie and straddles her, eyes shining with mirth.

"No, that's what you get for your impudence."

"Have you swallowed a dictionary?" Perrie spits out at her, but she's chuckling, too.

"No, but I am one," Jade sticks out her tongue at Perrie who feigns horror and throws her off, scooting away from Jade.

"Get away from me!"

"If you get out of bed. Ally's waiting for us in the lobby and Jesy and Leigh-Anne are already at the beach!"

"I guess I better get up then," Perrie mutters to herself.

Jade puts on a mocking hurt expression. "Oh, so you'd wake up for Ally and not me? You're so fucking mean."

"Says the girl who uses 'fuck' every three seconds."

"Cussing does not make you mean."

"Does too."

"Does not."

"Does too-"

"GIRLS, get moving!" their tour manager JC screams from the hallway. Jade rolls her eyes - that woman needs to take a chill pill.

Or twelve.

Jade pulls a face, making Perrie giggle. Grabs Perrie's hands. Tugs the blonde off the bed. "See? You got us in trouble."

"It's not my fault," pouts Perrie but she lets Jade pick an outfit for her - high waisted shorts and an overlarge shirt over her swimsuit for the beach - and quickly pulls her hair into a bun before brushing her teeth. "This swimsuit makes me look fat," Perrie complains. She wishes she had the time to get a new one.

"No, it's doesn't. You're not fat."

"Well, I am," Perrie says self-consciously as she slips on her flip-flops.

"You're not."

"I am."



Jade rolls her eyes and grabs Perrie's hand. "Just shut up."

"You're mean."

"Am not."

"Are too."



Slam goes the door.


Is this really happening? Tentatively, Jade leaned into Perrie. Wound her hands into the blonde's long locks. Felt Perrie's beautifully curved nose nudging her cheek. Aware of Perrie's tongue rutting against her own, conscious of Perrie's hands gently trailing up her waist, conscious of her back hitting the cold wall-

Cold. Like the icy splash of reality as it shatters your fantasies into a thousand pieces.

Like how Jade's heart split into a thousand pieces as Perrie jerked away from her, looking horrified and disgusted and shocked and aghast all at the same time. Not because she'd kissed a girl, because she'd have been alright with that. But because she'd kissed her best friend who was almost like a sister. Almost.

And the scary thing was, she'd kissed back. And both of them knew it.

Perrie only knew one way to dispel her horror. Her hand landed on Jade's cheek by its own accord, making Jade's head snap back. She clutched a hand to her reddening face, looking broken and afraid; the pain of the slap was nothing, nothing, compared to her crushed heart.

"What the actual fuck, Jade?"

Jade's puppy-dog face made her even angrier."Seriously. Why did you kiss me? Why the fuck did you do that? Why?"

Jade was full-out crying now, feeling cornered and alone, having already sobered up due to the shock of the rejection. Tears were ruthlessly running down her cheeks without any intent of stopping. Her plan had totally backfired.

Perrie wiped off her lips, staring at the lipstick on the back of her palm. It was dark, not glossy like hers. The very thought of kissing Jade made her feel sick. The thought of cheating on Zayn made her sick. She turned round and grabbed Jade's shoulders, slamming the grey-haired girl against the wall without meaning to. "Why?"

Jade choked on her own sobs. "B-Because I-I l-love you, Perrie."

"This isn't fucking funny!"

"I don't think it's funny either," Jade screamed into Perrie's face, breaking out into tears again, leaving Perrie staring dumbfounded at her.

Perrie paused. Closed her blue eyes. Took in a deep breath. Why had she not noticed before?

Because you were too caught up with Zayn, that's why. Still are.

Perrie opened her eyes and did the only thing she could do. "I'm sorry. I have to go, Jade."

And with that she fled with her tail between her legs, not daring to look behind her and see the stricken look on Jade's face. 


omfg guys you all made my day when i saw the amount of comments/votes i got on the last chapter and seriously it made me so happy :)) thank youuuu!!

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