part 08 - needy

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Jade hated seeing Perrie flirt with guys at the club in front of her. It was what the blonde was doing now, casting flirtatious glances at a lad with dark hair and a tattooed body. Jade sighed inwardly. Yeah, how the hell am I going to beat that, he has like a hundred tattoos and a fucking beard - he's Perrie's type and I'm just- well, me. Jade called for another drink and let her gaze swivel around the club.

    Bodies gyrated on the dance floor under the pulsing strobe lights that flashed everywhere. It seemed like everyone was getting it on except her, and Jade longed to join the people on the dance floor, but she couldn't leave Perrie alone with this stranger.

    Jade was afraid of letting go.

    Muttering under her breath, the petite brunette finished her drink and shoved a wad of cash towards the bartender who gave her another glass in return. She didn't care how drunk she got as long as she could get Perrie out of her mind.

    Twenty minutes and three large glasses of alcohol later, Jade slammed her empty glass onto the counter, attracting the attention of both Perrie and the tattooed lad. Giddily, Jade sent Perrie a wink and waved at her. "Hi Pez!"

    Perrie rolled her eyes, but still checked if Jade was okay before returning to her conversation. Jade pouted, wondering why Perrie was ignoring her.

    "Hey there," some lad slouched into the seat next to her and grinned at Jade. He had a lip ring and a tattoo on the side of his neck that looked like Hebrew, but Jade couldn't be sure.

    "Hiiiii I'm Jeeeed," Jade slurred and waved at him. "Do you want a drink?"

    "Do you? Drink's on me. I'm Alec." The lad took a couple bills out of his back pocket and bought her another drink, which Jade accepted, gulping down the burning liquid. "Want to dance?"

    Jade had no control of her body whatsoever - finally she understood Perrie's distaste for alcohol. Her eyes flitted to Perrie, who had her hand on the arm of the lad she was talking to, and without warning, Jade felt a surge of something - confidence? - and shoved her glass away from her, where it careened towards the lad and fell into his lap.

    Perrie and Alec and the lad stared at her.

    "I CAN DANCE WITH YA BUT YOU'LL ALWAYS BE SECOND BEST SINCE JERRIE IS REAL," Jade yelled as loud as she could over the beat. The bartender turned around to stare at her with the confusion evident on his face, probably wondering if she was drunk.

    "Oh my God Jade," Perrie huffed and muttered a "sorry" to the lad before grabbing Jade's arm and dragging her out of the club. "What the fuck was that?"

    "Jerrie is real Jerrie is real Jerrie is real," Jade chanted in response and gave Perrie a wide grin, which made Perrie shake her head in exasperation and fondness at once.

    "Stop being such a cockblock," Perrie joked and grabbed the brunette's hand. "I better get you back to your flat before you get wasted."

    "I'll be so lonely," Jade protested and yanked her hand away from Perrie's grip. "If Jerrie's real then why aren't you living with me."

    Perrie rolled her eyes once again, latching her hand onto Jade's arm. "Can you be any more embarrassing? Jesus, this joke is getting out of hand."

    Jade just pouted and stared up at Perrie with big puppy dog eyes. "You're so mean, if Jerrie's real then why are you treating me like this."

    "We're going now," Perrie said through gritted teeth while trying to signal a cab. The blonde didn't know why she was suddenly so sensitive about this whole fake relationship they'd made up as a joke, but she definitely knew that Jade had definitely struck a nerve. And she rarely got annoyed with any of her bandmates, but she guessed that tonight was just a bad night. And that she'd feel much better tomorrow when Jade wasn't so tipsy and drunk.

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