part 23 - stings

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Dedicated to nialls_biscuit for being an awesome person and helping me edit/revise/write scenes that I'm super bad at :P Glad you've finally joined Wattpad lol! 

 Sneaky update. I'm so tired and I just wanna sleep forever. btw check out my oneshots I've's shitty though don't blame me 

"Hey babe," Zayn murmured, wrapping Perrie in a huge hug. Perrie nuzzled her face into his neck and bit it playfully, causing Zayn to playfully slap her bum. "Is that how you greet your boyfriend?"

"Oh so you're my boyfriend now?" Perrie asked teasingly and flopped down on her couch, pulling Zayn down with her. The tension that had coated all of their previous meetings had disappeared with time and Perrie found herself trusting Zayn again. One little mistake couldn't ruin their entire relationship.

She didn't care about what anyone else thought of her anymore. As long as Zayn was in her life, that was all that mattered to her.

Little did she know that Zayn desperately needed her just as much, but for another reason.

Zayn flipped them both around and pressed a kiss to Perrie's cheek, the stubble on his jaw tickling her face. Perrie giggled and sat on Zayn's abdomen, ruffling his hair. "How's the recording going?"

"Finished recording a few weeks ago. It's so relaxing. You should try recording in a tent, under the stars. It's different." As he talked about his new career, Zayn's voice took on a dreamy tone, and a brighter light came into his eyes.

Perrie admired him as he spoke - Zayn's eyes became less melancholy, a wide grin stretched across his face, and she loved the way he talked expressively. Perrie loved the way Zayn was always truthful to her.

She loved everything about him.


Jade was ensconced in her blankets, curled up on the couch and watching some TV show when the front door slammed and Danielle came hurrying into the living room hefting four large bags of groceries. Jade started up in surprise and winced subtly as her cuts stung.

She didn't regret cutting, that was for sure. She felt guilty, shameful and depressed but not regretful, and that was what scared her. Jade tried to feel regret but that was just one emotion she never could seem to bring up from the depths of her heart.

"I brought you some biscuits," Danielle huffed while throwing the rest of the bags onto the couch. From what Jade could see, two bags were filled to the brim with crisps; she almost always had an appetite for biscuits or crisps, but today just probably wasn't her day. That was what Jade thought to comfort herself.

"I, um, I'm not hungry," Jade said, pressing her lips together into a flat line. She swept her grey hair over her shoulder and rubbed at her eyes, suddenly feeling exhausted and old as she thought of the events that transpired just a few hours ago. She didn't know if she could face the rest of her bandmates tomorrow after what happened today, after she'd screamed at Jesy, after she'd made Perrie cry.

That, she felt guilty and regretful about. She'd never intended to make her friends sad, but it was like an automatic reflex that made Jade push her bandmates away. She was dreading tomorrow already because they would have to film a short video about the Brit awards, and after that she'd have to head down to the studio for some last minute checkups.

All Jade wanted to do now was disappear.

"Jade, Jade, wifeyyyyy," Danielle was saying, waving a hand in front of Jade's face. Jade resisted the urge to snap at her housemate and instead calmed herself down before smiling forcedly at her.

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