part 53 - obsessed

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Perrie huffed to herself as she dragged a comb through her ponytail. Stupid Jed. Stupid Jade. Fuck them, fuck them all.

She threw the comb at the door.

And that was when Jesy entered, at exactly the same moment. The comb bounced off the older girl's face and landed on the floor with a plink. "What the hell, Perrie!"

"I'm fucking sorry, alright?" Not having the patience to act all innocent, Perrie bent down and scooped the comb into her hand before throwing it at the mirror. It bounced off again, and this time Perrie didn't bother retrieving it. She just put her hands on her hips and stared resolutely in the mirror. She knew it was irrational of her to be this jealous of Jade and her "boyfriend," but honestly they could have kept the PDA to a minimum.

Ugh, what the hell.

"I wasn't going to scold you in the first place," Jesy said, rolling her eyes. "I was just surprised to see that you were in here. I told Jade that you were outside on the balcony after all for a breather."

"Outside? What the hell would I be outside? It's chilly, foggy, and that place creeps me out. Please." Perrie rolled her eyes, flipped her hair over her shoulder and angrily grabbed a water bottle, exerting so much force that water sprayed her in the face. Spitting furiously, the blonde smashed the bottle onto the floor. "Fuck this fucking-"

"You're gonna let Jade go up there alone? Even if you're upset at her?" Jesy raised an eyebrow and looked at Perrie, as if expecting the blonde to do something.

Perrie sighed out. Jade probably hadn't expected Jed to kiss her, and Perrie tried to put herself in the other girl's shoes. Just because she was upset didn't mean that she had to take it out on Jade. "I'll get Claudimar and Jaron to head up there with me. There's no way in hell that I'm going up there alone."

"I'll come with you too. Just in case you get into a catfight or something." Jesy threw a box of tissues at Perrie, who, with her exceptional talent at catching objects, managed to get hit in the face. "Gotcha back."

Perrie pouted at Jesy. "Why are you like this?"

"See, you're feeling better. You're pouting."

"How does pouting indicate a better mood," Perrie said exasperatedly while wiping her face, glad that she was still wearing waterproof mascara.

"Well, when you're upset you usually don't even show any emotion - hey, Claud and the rest of the lads are coming this way. Let's get them to tag along." Without waiting for an answer, Jesy leaned out of the door. "Would you lads mind accompanying Perrie and I up to the balcony? That place is quite creepy and Jade's alone up there."

"Why's she up there?" Jaron asked, and Perrie set down her water bottle before striding towards the doorway, answering his question.

"We sort of got into a fight and she went up there to look for me apparently. All's good now though," she said quickly as the lads opened their mouths. "We just have to go fetch her. That's all." The last part was added quickly, leaving no room for arguments.

"But, we were going to get drunk," Claudimar complained, but by the gleam in his eye, Perrie could tell that he was joking. But she was in no mood for jokes. She just wanted to go up there, fetch Jade, have a good talk with her and go for a cup of coffee down the road. She grabbed Claudimar's hand and dragged him along behind her despite his teasing protests.

"Let's go."


Jade opened her mouth. Then closed it. Then opened it. Like a fish. A fish that has just been trapped inside a glass bowl for the monstrous humans to look at, to laugh at, to scare. "W-Who are you?" But, she already knew the answer. The man she'd met at the restaurant was standing here, right in front of her. With trembling hands and quaky knees, Jade started to slowly back away, but her back hit the cold railing immediately.

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