part 06 - shivers

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A few weeks had passed since the breakup, and Jade was glad to say that Perrie was returning to her normal self slowly. The tightness and seriousness in her expression had disappeared, replaced by her usual dimpled smile that Jade adored. Unfortunately for Jade, it seemed like she was falling for Perrie even more with each passing day.

She started noticing every small detail of Perrie, if she wasn't doing that already. The movement of her arm when she brushed her soft blonde hair out of her eyes. The way Perrie knitted her eyebrows together when she was confused. The quirk of her mouth when she was satisfied or pleased with herself. Her bright, bubbly laughter. Every action made Jade sink deeper under Perrie's spell, made her grow even more confused about herself.

The girls were in the United States to promote their upcoming album which was going to be released in November. They'd been to an interview today, and thankfully no one brought up the Z-word. Jade was positive that Jesy would've murdered the interviewers if they did, and none of the remaining Little Mix girls were in the mood to bail Jesy out of jail if she got charged with manslaughter.

Jade, Jesy, Leigh-Anne and Perrie never seemed to get tired of each other. Even though management had booked them four rooms, they all gathered in Jesy's room for a sleepover. They called room service for two bottles of champagne for a toast celebrating the success they had so far, and they even ordered a large tub of Baskin Robbins ice cream which was Leigh's favorite.

"To us," Jesy said as she took a swig from the bottle.

"Watch out, you're going to get drunk pretty soon," Jade warned.

Jesy snorted. "I'm no lightweight, unlike our Pezza here."

Perrie just shrugged and laughed. She was the one that drank the least out of the four, partly because she didn't like the feeling of being out of control. An idea suddenly struck her. "Leigh, teach me how to cartwheel!"

"Are you sure it's a good idea? It is eleven, after all," Leigh said doubtfully. Perrie quickly scrambled up and tugged on Leigh's arm pleadingly.

"Please, please, I've watched you do it so many times and it sucks that I just can't do it still!"

Jade and Jesy smiled at how Perrie suddenly sounded like a child. Leigh-Anne gave in when Perrie pulled out her puppy-dog eyes. Jade couldn't blame Leigh; she couldn't see how anyone could resist Perrie's big dazzling eyes that were so easy to get lost into.

"Fine, but you'll have to be quiet." She sounded like an older sister that was admonishing her younger sibling for being too loud.

Perrie just nodded and squirmed in excitement.

A simple cartwheel lesson turned into a series of dares. While Jesy got out her phone to film Leigh-Anne's cartwheel, Jade and Perrie sat down on the carpeted floor and watched contentedly. When Leigh executed a successful flip, they all cheered and clapped. Then Perrie tried to roly poly in the middle of the hallway, but she couldn't seem to flip over because she thought it was scary, as she hated not being in control of her body.

"What is wrong with you!" Jesy said as Perrie tried to roll on the floor again, losing her balance and effectively crashing into the wall. Jesy almost dropped the phone in fits of laughter.

"At least I know how to do this," Perrie retorted, placing her hands on the wall with her back facing the surface. Then she slowly slid down to the ground using her hands for support. "Jade, c'mon! Try it!"

Jade looked around frantically, trying to find a way to refuse. Why does it matter? Just let go, the small voice at the back of her head whispered. For once, Jade listened to the voice and nodded, taking a place besides Perrie. She braced her hands against the wall and started to lower herself onto the ground, before irrational fear overtook her and she was unable to move at all. "Help," she choked out, and immediately she felt Perrie's cool fingers through the fabric of her thin cotton shirt.

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