part 24 - shards

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Quick short update lol! The pic above is from Danielle's snap :DDD 

"Just leave me alone," Jade sobbed as Danielle came knocking on her door yet again. "I don't wanna talk to anyone."

"Jade....I was just gonna ask if you've eaten yet." Danielle was talking like nothing had happened. Like Jade hadn't just screamed at her ten minutes ago. "We could go out for some dinner if you want."

Jade blinked hard and shook her head. Was she...was she hallucinating? Did their spat in the hallway really happen, or did Jade's imagination just conjure that up? Was she going crazy?

The truth was, that in fact did happen, but Danielle wanted to resolve things with Jade, and for that to happen they had to start opening up to each other, and Danielle wanted a night out with Jade which hadn't happened in ages, so in order to that she had to act like nothing was wrong.

But Jade, being the paranoid girl she was now, didn't know that. She wasn't even able to distinguish reality and imagination now. That scared her, so much.

Jade just decided that it was a figment of her imagination, and put a smile on her face, ready to pretend that nothing had ever happened. "No, actually, I haven't had breakfast nor lunch yet." Her voice trembled a bit more than she would've liked, but that was fine.

"Okay, then let's go," Danielle said lightly and tried to open the door, but it was locked. Jade hurried over to the door and unlocked it, aware of Danielle glancing at her reddened eyes.

They ended up choosing a fancy restaurant just twenty minutes away from the place they lived, and Danielle quickly ordered their meals before launching into a light but easy conversation to clear up the tension. She could see that her housemate was visibly tense and she just wanted Jade to open up to her.

"Smile," Danielle grinned as she took a picture of Jade.

"Why are we coming out tonight anyways? We usually order takeout," Jade still kept the fake smile on her face as she leaned forward slightly, making a face as she looked down at her steak. She didn't really have an appetite, especially when those cuts on her stomach and arms burned like hell.

Hell....that's where I am now.

"I just wanted to talk to you about what happened this afternoon," Danielle said gently and grabbed Jade's hand over the table before the grey-haired girl could pull it away.

"What...happened this afternoon?" Jade said, a bit confused. Didn't she just...imagine that? Or did that actually happen? She brought a hand up to rub her eyes tiredly. "What?"

"Y-You yelled at me. In the hallway," Dani said gently as she focused on Jade's chocolate brown irises. "After I saw the cuts on your arms."

Jade pulled her hand away from Dani's. "What the- What- you don't know anything," Jade breathed. "I'm fine, I'm fucking fine."

Dani glanced around and shushed Jade, noticing the curious glances aimed at them. "Yes, I know you're okay Jade, but I just want to know what caused them."

"So I really did yell at you back in our flat?" Jade sounded confused and tired and scared. Her cognac eyes flashed in the candlelight and she suddenly looked so so young to Danielle. So young and frightened, it broke the taller girl's heart.

"Yes, you did," Danielle said gently. "You don't have to be sorry, Jade. Things happen for a reason. I just wanna know if you're okay."

Jade swiped at her eyes as she tried hard to swallow a bite of steak. "I'm fine. I just - I just feel so lonely these days and I-"

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