Chapter 3

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I knocked on Jamie's door later that day and waited, a little frightened by the night time sounds of the

asylum. A sleepy Jamie opened the door and waited for me to say what I wanted. "Can… Can I sleep in your room?" She nodded and stepped aside for me to come in. "The uh… guy running up and down the hall screaming was freaking me out." Jamie smirked a little and closed the door. I stood in the middle of the room awkwardly and waited.

She curled up under her covers close to the edge of the bed and looked at me. I hesitated before I

climbed over the foot of the bed and laid behind her. She turned over and gave me a look. I struggled to pull the covers out from under me and pull them over myself and up to my chest. "Thanks Jamie." She smiled and closed her eyes. I tucked my right arm under the pillow and tried to force myself into sleeping, but it didn't work.

It was now two in the morning and I was laying on my back, with my hands folded on my stomach,

staring up at the ceiling. Jamie turned over in her sleep. That was the sixth time with in the past four hours. I went back to reliving the few good days in high school just as Jamie scooted closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder. I looked over at her while her hand grabbed onto my sleeve.

I managed to tuck my arm under her and hold her and she pulled herself closer to me. I watched her to

see if she was really sleeping. When she didn't move after five minutes I laid my head against hers and sighed, her body heat was making me feel tired. I closed my eyes and sighed again before I tried going to sleep.


"Wake up!!" A pillow was thrown at my face just before the curtains were opened. I turned over and

groaned, not wanting to get up. "Get up Frankie!!!" I groaned again and turned over to see Gerard standing over the bed, then he threw another pillow in my face. "Come on! Jamie's been up for an hour!"

"Where is she?" I rubbed the sleep out of my eye and Gerard sat on the bed.

"In my room, reading a Batman comic book." I nodded and he left.

"That was weird." I threw the covers off me and walked across the hall to see Jamie sitting on Gerard's

bed with her back against the wall and Gerard was laying on his back with his head in Jamie's lap. They were each reading a comic book. "Mornin'."

Jamie looked up at me and smiled. "So I hear Richard scared you last night?" Jamie picked up and

pillow and put it over Gerard's face.

"Uh… I guess. I don't exactly know his name." Gerard started laughing and Jamie pushed the pillow

onto his face more. "Thanks for letting me uh, stay with you last night, Jamie." She smiled at me and grabbed her board with the hand that wasn't holding the pillow down.

"How'd you sleep? You're very comfy to lay on btw." I blushed a little and Jamie smiled at me again.

"Uh, I slept good. Once uh… Once I laid there for a few hours."

"What he means is!..." Jamie tried to pushed Gerard back down but he managed to sit up. "Once you

spooned him, he felt better."

"Uh.. It's kind of yes and no for that." Gerard raised a curious eyebrow at me. "Uh, I did go to sleep

once she was using me as a pillow, but not for the reason you made it sound like."

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