Chapter 24

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Dan's POV

"Hey Dan?" Frank and Gerard walked into to Jamie's room and they both frowned when they saw her

curled up with her back pressed against the wall.

"James?" Gerard started towards her and he stopped for a moment when Jamie spoke.

"Don't sit there."

"Wh- What?"

"Phil's sitting here." Jamie nodded towards her right side without taking her head out of her arms.

Gerard frowned a little once he realized what she was talking about and he settled for sitting on her other side.

Phil looked over at me confused. "How did she know I was here?" I shrugged and carefully closed

the notebook and sat on it so the others wouldn't see it.

"Jamie, what's…" Gerard trailed off, realizing that it was highly unlikely that Jamie would say

anything. He hugged her close to him and buried his face in her green hair that needed to be redyed very badly.

Frank looked over at me, finally recognizing my presence. "What's going on with her?"

I shrugged and shook my head slightly. "I don't know." Okay, so that was a fat lie, but I promised her

not to say anything, only Phil could know.

Frank frowned and pulled Gerard up from the bed. "I think we should get someone."

"No!" Jamie's head popped up and she looked at them with such panic that I didn't even know was

possible. "No, please, I- I'm fine. I promise." Frank gave her a doubtful look and Gerard just looked helpless. "Please don't say anything." Jamie spoke in a quieter voice now and Frank and Gerard looked at each other, silently debating just by looking at each other.

"You need to eat." Jamie opened her mouth to speak, but Frank spoke again before she could say

anything. "You're becoming anorexic, Jamie." She frowned and looked down at her wrists. She held one up right and looked at it. Phil took this opportunity to wrap his hand around her wrist, being careful that his hand didn't go through the body part, and he frowned when his finger tips touched.

"Dan." I nodded to him and he released her wrist just before she laid it on top of her knees again.

"Come on." Frank commanded and opened the door. "Lunch starts soon." He looked at Gerard before

leaving the room. Gerard looked at Jamie one last time before he followed his boyfriend out of the room.

Jamie looked over at me and frowned. "Come on, I'm hungry." I spoke to her softly as I walked over

to her and offered my hand. She starred at my hand for some time before she finally reached out and took it. She stood and almost collapsed. "Jamie!" I caught her just before her knees could hit the ground and I carefully lifted her up. "What happened?"

"I got…. dizzy." She held her head as she tried to stand up straight. "I think I'll be fine." She

whispered to me and pushed away my help. I watched her place her hand against the door frame for support as she walked past it and she kept pressing against the wall for support as she entered the hall.

"She's not well at all." Phil mumbled as he stepped up next to me.

"Obviously." Phil frowned at me for the sarcasm as we left the room and caught up to Jamie. "Come

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